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John E Woven

High Rollers
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Everything posted by John E Woven

  1. I'm so sorry.
  2. made a couple of cables, that's about it.
  3. I like headcase because bigshot and co. aren't here. I also like you guys a lot. And I like the brutal honesty.
  4. And knowing headfi the stickies will be there for the next three years. announcements? What are those?
  5. My huge wire company has developed the worlds finest cable. First we start out with 12 gauge steel wire, with the finest in rubber cement insulation, all in a pvc tube stuffed with cotton balls (cotton's a great insulator, right?). Of course it would be nowhere without proper interference, so we wind copper wire around the tubing, with a mini transistor radio hooked up to an am station, and to shield that from outside interference, we have another pvc tube, with an entry point - For liquid Nitrogen. Since Liquid nitrogen wouldn't do much while it's a fluid, we wrap the whole thing with Nichrome wire, which takes an external battery pack ($29.99) and propriatory batteries ($19.99 each, requires 12). Can't have it looking terrible now, with how awesome it sounds, can we? We glued on strips of led's all around, then sheathed it in ers paper, and duct taped it. I really think we've made the finest wire money can buy. But how flexable is it? Surprisingly so, for a 4 inch diameter cable. Patents pending.
  6. Have a good one.
  7. Sign them up for spam, and ignore them?
  8. Happy Birthday.
  9. HD600 > AD900
  10. I'm in flavor country.
  11. I miss the edit button
  12. As someone who has worked in a gas station in the past, these two actually are not particularly rare occurances. Usually though, the part of the nozzle that goes into your car breaks before pulling the hose away. As for managing to get stuck on that thing though..
  13. I agree completely. My sister totaled my old car. Talking on her phone, drove it into the back of a pick up.
  14. Happy birthday.
  15. Nice pictures of the D1001. They're not.
  16. Amazing.
  17. and
  18. Yes, yes I did. I didn't.
  19. Not really a reason to hate on me, just making sure all the bases are covered. but, hi!!
  20. John E Woven


    hi. You probably don't know me. If you do, you probably don't like me. Same username on headfi. k go.
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