My huge wire company has developed the worlds finest cable. First we start out with 12 gauge steel wire, with the finest in rubber cement insulation, all in a pvc tube stuffed with cotton balls (cotton's a great insulator, right?). Of course it would be nowhere without proper interference, so we wind copper wire around the tubing, with a mini transistor radio hooked up to an am station, and to shield that from outside interference, we have another pvc tube, with an entry point - For liquid Nitrogen. Since Liquid nitrogen wouldn't do much while it's a fluid, we wrap the whole thing with Nichrome wire, which takes an external battery pack ($29.99) and propriatory batteries ($19.99 each, requires 12). Can't have it looking terrible now, with how awesome it sounds, can we? We glued on strips of led's all around, then sheathed it in ers paper, and duct taped it.
I really think we've made the finest wire money can buy. But how flexable is it? Surprisingly so, for a 4 inch diameter cable. Patents pending.