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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. coco puffs with milk.
  2. penger

    CanJam 2009

    Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles for breakfast.
  3. Oh man that is sexy.
  4. Scooby doo where are you?
  5. Lakers Rockets game.
  6. Speakers. ERA Design 5's... bested B&W's and anything else in that price range at the audiophile shop I visited.
  7. Uh... yes? That was the introductory pricing I believe.
  8. Kings of Leon - Only By The Night
  9. Excuse my cynicism, but what makes you so sure that people who are building the Buffalo32 will write reviews of them?
  10. But these amps Voltron listed are not balanced like the DAC is? Just another consideration when picking out an amp?
  11. penger

    CanJam 2009

    Voltron: Who's the artist in the music picture you posted?
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. I already think the DAC I got is tiny... if it gets any smaller
  14. Man those caps on the F5 build are gigantic. Did you manage to get it powered up? And that's a lot of projects to have going... how do you manage to even go to work everyday instead of working on them?
  15. lol. when's snow leopard supposed to release? Early summer?
  16. Well for people who work for tech companies, they can probably get their hands on the RC May 5.
  17. Haven't heard it, but the Bel Canto DAC might fit the bill?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v3d6SFcDys
  19. Happy birthday!
  20. Pens? How about photography and watches?
  21. My MX510 still works after... 6ish years of usage. =D
  22. haha sorry. I was being sarcastic as well... or maybe it was directed at the OP. I forget. Hasn't the ZD gone through a few iterations?
  23. Basement time?
  24. School internet = win.
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