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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. http://www.head-case.org/forums/audio-accessories/6573-wtf.html
  2. I would think so. My laptop cpu runs at around 150 degrees and that's considered pretty hot. Hope it revives itself though. =/
  3. penger

    Top Gear

    It's back?!? Awesome. I had resorted to watched some Fifth Gear in their absence.
  4. Very sexy.
  5. Did you try reading through the Audio-Gd thread?
  6. Hope you get it fixed!
  7. Regarding the other RSA portable the Shadow... Samuels posted this: Does that even make sense?
  8. Is that a bag/stand combo?
  9. I thought concept 2 was a rowing machine.
  10. Found this link from the Audio Circle Modwright Forum. http://digilander.libero.it/agostino.manzato/audio/reportage/sony_xa5400es/sony_xa5400es.html
  11. Saint-Sa
  12. http://prestoclassical.co.uk/pentatone.php There is a 20% off sale making them around $15 per? Even with the shipping (if you buy enough of them =P) it's cheaper than CDUniverse which has some on sale for I think $17 per. Have you heard of any of the other labels they have on sale?
  13. A bunch of Pentatone Classic SACDs
  14. At least this one looks relatively neat...
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Did you see his "fission powered" preamp (C-8SE)?
  17. Please elaborate. Though I do remember reading the Phoenix is just an adaptation of one of his preamps. This thing has been shill'ed like none other by a few people using proclamations of greatness without even have heard the thing.
  18. Don't think anyone posted this: AT&T relents a little, lets iPhone 3G customers with upcoming upgrade dates buy 3G S at full subsidy It's a price break for those who aren't currently eligible to upgrade.
  19. Lakers Magic game.
  20. San Mateo has some solid asian restaurants. There's also this burger place called Jeffrey's that my dad says is supposed to be solid.
  21. What if the entire Monster crew just decided to show up like this? Not really related... I just really like this picture. haha
  22. Make him eat a 10x10 or no go.
  23. THOR Anime is a good place to look for some bluray as source encodes. Not all of their stuff is, but a lot of the recent stuff is. Might be worth taking a look if you're interested. They actually have Eva 1.11 which was mentioned by mirumu.
  24. There's a P-100? Or are you talking about the P-200?
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