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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. If they look like the pads on the RS series on the Grado website, then probably?
  2. why? you don't like his crab dribble or traveling?
  3. I just saw Jude's post on head-fi stating that it has the same power output of the P-200...
  4. Wouldn't you have to buff out the engraving first (don't know the technical term for this) before putting new text on the cups? Dude. I second that.
  5. So I sent them an email and David Solomon said that it's for a Sonos ZP90.
  6. Have any idea why there's such a huge space set aside? It's vented but there's nothing there. Picture from 6moons review, btw.
  7. ooo. nice Madlax picture btw. Me? Jamba Juice buy 1 get 1 free.
  8. penger

    DotA thread

    Oh I love when that happens. Winning a game where you do a lot of trash talking is oddly rewarding too.
  9. penger

    DotA thread

    I dunno about ever... PL is pretty hard to kill late game with like a gazillion images running around.
  10. penger

    Top Gear

    The 2nd gymkana one on youtube looks way too staged and dramatized. I enjoyed the first one though. That one was bomb.
  11. Mozart Horn Concertos
  12. Other than Headphile's C-pads, are there other alternatives that can keep the drivers about the same distance away from you ears as bowls? Basically, flats and HD414? pads don't count. On the other hand, I've heard C-pads change the presentation a bit?
  13. One of the many B22s you're supposedly working on?
  14. Way to rub it in.
  15. Great looking phones man. Wish I can own a pair of Smeggy's creations one day.
  16. I'm wondering if Grado threw away the casings that were complained about and how many there were. Could be tied into why they chose not to redo the cups again? I doubt they only ordered 20 of the original casings. Not that finding out will help the situation... =/
  17. I think I'm going to keep my order and see how they sound first. Yeah I'm kind of kicking myself for not ordering when I first saw this thread go up that night. Bummer.
  18. Looks like it can be Mac or PC. The unique part is that it can take Firewire input?
  19. Gag order? Happy birthday, btw.
  20. Well first one is the batch distributed at Canjam, no?
  21. Speculating, but maybe that's the reason it took so long to ship the second batch too?
  22. I would rather get not so great engraving vs. misspelling. At least I'm basically at the end of the line.
  23. Well... pee is sterile, but that's just not right... I'm in the hell no camp.
  24. Too bad it doesn't have SACD... maybe I'll get one anyway.
  25. Happy Birthday!
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