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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. Hopefully gizmodo comes through and tells us more.
  2. For you guys in Socal, I got this email from Audio Revelation. Saturday September 26, 2009 at 6:30 p.m., Morrison Hotel Gallery (2670 Via De La Valle, Del Mar, California) and Audio Revelation (2-channel specialist) will host a "Blue Note" evening with special guests Ron Rambach and Joe Harley of Music Matters, and Kevin Gray of Acoustech Mastering. Please RSVP to [email protected] or call Audio Revelation at 760.944.0444
  3. You managed to buy a BHSE from just running paper routes? Dude. Hook it up.
  4. Have a great one!
  5. <-- that one?
  6. Old Pa, all the food you post just look way too good. Here I am eating baked cheetos...
  7. penger


    I think they used be between $2500 and $3000 depending on the paint job?
  8. penger


    I have not heard a pair but will say that of the many reviews written echo Sherwood's words. There seems to be a love 'em or hate 'em relationship for the Druid and even the successor, the Essence.
  9. Happy birthday!
  10. Just finished watching that match as well. Epic battle with that huge forehand.
  11. The ending to both the Michigan and USC games were pretty damn exciting to watch. Texas started really slow but as soon as they were behind, it seemed like they flipped a switch and shut the door.
  12. Cary SACD? Might be pro?
  13. What value should I be looking/hoping for?
  14. Borrowing one tonight. Going to check the current across the holders later tonight.
  15. I did, but I upgraded the shipping to USPS Priority.
  16. And now I stuck it in, turned it on, and instantly blew the fuse... I guess my problems are a little more complicated now.
  17. So now I have in my hands a fuse that says 125/250V...
  18. Thanks guys. What's the purpose of the voltage rating then?
  19. I had the fuse in my Klipsch iFi subwoofer blow. It's a 2A 125V slow blow fuse. Went to a couple Radioshacks and they only carry a 2A 250V fuse. Is it okay use that as a replacement? At the first the lady said, "Probably, but I wouldn't bet my life on it." Second store guy said "You only have to worry about over-wattage." My concern is that if something hits say... 200V and the fuse doesn't blow, will I end up damaging other components downstream?
  20. penger

    slow forum

    I don't see how that's even necessary.
  21. FYI I believe it only works on some titles. I tried putting in something else and no discount popped up, but tried something from the SCO and it did.
  22. Does that mean it's time to organize another one? =P
  23. And they're RED.
  24. Probably the Mono more so than the stereo. I think the Stereo doesn't have a limit set?
  25. From what I gather, that is correct.
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