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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. Are they similar at all to ESW10's?
  2. I'm tempted to get these... headband seems smaller than that on the LCD2 proto which will hopefully give a better fit for my narrowish head. Hrm...
  3. I believe there are some rockhopper balanced mini3's floating around too.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but at the Norcal meet, the universals weren't what you would traditionally think of universals. They look like molded customs and there were disposable sleeves that you could stick on the outcropping that would normally go into your ear.
  5. penger

    Palm Pre

    I think I read that the German version that's coming out won't/doesn't have US GSM bands which makes it useless?
  6. The easiest might be some sort of wiki page?
  7. penger

    Palm Pre

    Here's to hoping it comes to AT&T as well... they seem to be slow to adopt anything these days.
  8. I haven't seen/heard much about the Head-Direct orthos. When are they supposed to come out?
  9. I wish they had switched to the Miami v. OU game instead. The Cal v. USC game was kinda boring to watch.
  10. The important part is it took his AARP card... which means he's not retired anymore! Quick ask him to build something before they issue a new one.
  11. ^ awesome smiley
  12. Leaked Courier Video Shows How We'll Actually Use It - Microsoft courier tablet - Gizmodo Microsoft's Courier tablet: A Franklin Covey planner on steroids? | All about Microsoft | ZDNet.com More news on Courier
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. To be honest, who cares if it's well respected as long as you like it? I like the Gilmore Lite with my HD650's maybe pair it with the pico dac only or gamma 1 or 2?
  15. Clearly a SP Extreme is the way to go then.
  16. Definitely. I thought the Penn State offense looked pretty good in the beginning but I guess after Iowa settled down, Penn State ran into trouble. I didn't watch much after the first few possessions. The beginning of the USC game was the polar opposite of how Cal started. Didn't finish this game either, but the way it started, I was expecting a blowout which never happened.
  17. That game was painful to watch. Defense couldn't stop anything. And K. Riley was abysmal.
  18. What about the M-Audio Transit? That does USB -> Optical
  19. penger


    tick tock tick tock?
  20. Happy Birthday!
  21. Off the deep end...
  22. If they needed additional processing, Neko Audio wouldn't sell a XLR to RCA cable themselves.
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