Here's some disappointing news about the Nook. It's official -- You can only loan a book out once. - MobileRead Forums
The lending feature only lets you do it once for 14 days assuming the publisher allows you to.
Barnes & Noble 'Nook' e-reader with color touchscreen out Tuesday for $259, says WSJ (update: Best Buy connection?)
If it actually looks like the one in the picture... color me interested.
Hrm... took a look at what's being said in the SH forums and it seems people are blaming the legal department for the backlog in addition to the backlog that exists at the few SACD plants remaining. Hard to say since none are really substiantiated from what I can tell.
Do you know if the Blue Note SACD remasters have run into any issues? If not, I think they've really dropped the ball seeing as the LPs keep coming but the SACDs have all but stopped for the past 6+ months. =/
BCS rankings out for the first time. Thoughts anyone?
I was a little surprised to see Iowa up there, but that's probably because the only game that I remember getting on the West coast was the Iowa-Penn State game.