From Rhydon on HF:
Im no stranger to these boards- hopefully i can help.
Development has been a rocky road. When you think something is green and ready to go- a few weeks later it turns out things didnt cure properly or there needs to be another tweak of some sort. We've had no help from anyone, development is done entirely in house.
It is a frustrating process, but we dont mind. We're going to get it right.
We realized this was no excuse for some customers and offered a complete refund option at our expense. While this adds considerable stress to the development- we're not out to burn any bridges. Most companies would not do this.
There are many of you who have opted to stay on board- thank you. We will be sending more frequent updates as things progress.
At the moment the problem is with the curing of the coating- however, we have equipment on order to aid that.
Downgrades and replacement drivers are done at our expense.
We just want what everyone else does- a solid, great sounding headphone- its taking longer than expected of course.
BTW, how do you do "empty" quotes?