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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. Random digression. I actually saw a commercial for Englander on comcast sports net last night. I should be able to come as well.
  2. Only if you get sparks.
  3. penger

    slow forum

    Incredibly Expensive Gifts for Audiophiles Who Swear They Can Hear the Difference
  4. Have a good one!
  5. penger


    If you buy it from BH and use bing, you can get a little more back as well.
  6. penger


    Don't know if this makes sense, but I've read that Google may be wary of possible Apple's US multi-touch patents? But when I think about it, I'm not sure that makes sense because there are tablet pc's with multi-touch... Perhaps I'm not understanding something.
  7. penger


    Hopefully they enable the multi-touch. I remember reading that the multi-touch on the Droid was disabled for US phones only.
  8. Public Enemies
  9. Dunno if I'm in the minority but I actually liked this initial rendering more:
  10. x2 I don't get why it's necessary to OC to 4ghz to run itunes.
  11. Yeah... HF went nuts.
  12. Oh yeah, I agree with your comments regarding playability. Difficulty wise, Medium on GH I/II/III was harder than Medium on RB1.
  13. FWIW, my friends and I thought RB1 songs were better than RB2 songs. Haven't had a chance with the newer band based GH's to have an opinion there.
  14. Brookstone has? this deal with if you buy 2 you get the 3rd one free... Dunno if that helps justify the cost though. There's also supposed to be a $15 off $80 or more for Tempurpedic stuff starting 12/26 I believe.
  15. I'm pretty sure using bittorrent shortens the lifespan of your hdds especially if everything on there is being seeded...
  16. All I remember is the price quote for disk recovery on my 500gb WD harddrive 2 years ago was in the 1 grand range... Oh and FWIW some desktop mobos come with raid controllers so you don't have to buy another pci based one, which can be expensive.
  17. I remember someone mentioned Todd was supposed to post pictures of the insides around the time of release. If he did, I haven't seen them posted.
  18. I heard the P200 only briefly, but if I had to describe it in one word, it would be polite. I don't recall it as being "warm". Anyone who has had more time with it, please correct me if that's incorrect.
  19. I think I remember hearing the CD3000 on blessingx's rig during the last Bay Area meet. Sounded pretty good. I liked them better than the HD800's but that's probably because the Senn cups didn't fit my head that well. Anyway, the amp was a SP Extreme I think... could probably find one for cheap and fix it up for less than the Woo's?
  20. Hope you had a great one!
  21. Happy Birthday!
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. I can see the tone arm picture but not the one that's supposed to be above it.
  24. Now there's an idea I really like.
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