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High Rollers
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Everything posted by penger

  1. I heard he also started off pretty rough, giving up two picks before halftime. But boy I feel bad for McCoy getting injured so early into the game and being unable to play his final game as a collegiate.
  2. Agreed. I only started watching midway through the 3rd when I got home, but boy was it fun to watch.
  3. Perhaps something from Virtue Audio? Dunno if it can do your Harbeths justice, but they certainly have no problems driving my ERA Design 5's. I have the 2009 version of the Two.
  4. penger


    Just to claify, you have the 3g and not 3gs? I have friends that have either or both at one point and they said the 3gs is noticibly faster than the 3g in pretty much every aspect.
  5. penger


    Well even AT&T announced they're joining the Android party the first half of 2010 in addition to saying they'll be getting WebOS phones.
  6. penger


    FWIW Your answer is more complete. =) They using US, UK, HK, and Singapore as test markets. Makes me hope that they'll release a phone that has the right bands for ATT 3g in Taiwan which I'll be able to pick up... but that's wishful thinking at this point.
  7. penger


    But no 3g.
  8. penger


    Looks like T-Mo will get the phone now, but Verizon is on board for it in the future.
  9. Same happened to me. They were apparently on holiday and nothing I put in the cart would show. That was the email response I got from them. Stupid ebags... makes me want to say douchebags haha
  10. Kicking myself for not buying the crumpler 6mdh from ebags while they still had the color I wanted. 15% off + 20% bing cashback made it a great deal.
  11. Happy birthday man!
  12. I just like the use of the word "milsurp."
  13. Sometimes deepdiscount.com has some of the Living Stereo ones for a tad cheaper than amazon does. They're usually backordered, but if you don't mind waiting they do also have free shipping with no minimum unlike amazon. I've bought a couple from there, but you have to match the serials to make sure. They did send me one incorrect CD though. I got an Avril Lavigne CD instead, but they did say they'll send me the right CD soon.
  14. FWIW regarding Audio Revelation, I remember last summer I was looking into vinyl and he basically said VPI tables suck ass (not his words but similar tone) and that I should buy one of his instead.
  15. Happy Birthday man!
  16. Volton's. Primarily because every time I look in the "Post what you're listening to" thread, he's listening to something different.
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. Zu website says: Based on the legendary Denon DL-103
  19. I thought he was going to stay involved with Florida but not in a coaching capacity. Edit: nevermind. just saw the news on espn
  20. I got this to work: BSAPP - Stray Dogs & Cats Rescue Bulgaria - Home
  21. Tape Project article in positive feedback. tape project Didn't know where else to post this without making a new thread.
  22. Dunno when this comes out but something to consider. http://www.asrock.com/Nettop/overview.asp?Model=ION%20330-BD Dual core Atom + Nvidia's Ion. I've read that the combo is pretty potent for playing HD stuff.
  23. Just got a package from Vicki.
  24. I bought a 30D after the 40D came out and am more than happy with it so far. Having held the 30D and then the XTi/XS series of bodies, it just didn't feel right. Cramped and cheap come to mind. I have pretty small hands, but the cheap comes from the predominantly plastic body and light weight IMO. I liked how the 30D had some heft. I've held some of the Nikons but felt that the Canon body fit in my hand more naturally. Dunno if that helps... Also the newer sensors with the crazy high number of pixels isn't necessary better because I think it's doing something akin to upscaling. Some of the other more camera savvy people can correct me if I'm wrong.
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