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Everything posted by penger

  1. Not sure how credible this is but... Jobs: No Tethering Between iPad and iPhone Reportedly no tethering.
  2. penger

    slow forum

  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Went to Best Buy and saw a Kuro 101FD? NIB for $3000 with a MSRP of $4500?!? They also had a comfy theater seat on sale for $350... that one was tempting since it was so comfortable. Then while leaving saw some police action outside. 4 officers dashed around while two dudes got handcuffed in the end. Couldn't leave for a while because it was right next to where we parked. =/
  5. It would be cool if they incorporated this: Project Gustav: Microsoft Research Updates MS Paint In a Huge Way - Project gustav - Gizmodo
  6. The videos that were just posted on the engadget link look pretty cool.
  7. Happy Birthday!!!
  8. =/ What happened to the pany?
  9. Congrats! I'm surprised you managed to still find one. Aren't they OOP already?
  10. 6moon article/review: 6moons audio reviews: From 240 to 117 Volts Does it really cost $1500 for a custom job?? I realize shipping can be a pretty penny given the weight, but how much does a transformer usually cost?
  11. Happy Birthday!
  12. Color me interested... Any links you can provide so I don't pick up the wrong stuff?
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Ignoring the Japanese import, this goes for $3000 on Todd's site, how much do P-1's go for used? I recall something around $2000. How much was the P-1 new?
  15. Another Blow in the Great Amazon/Apple Publishing War: HarperCollins - Apple - Gizmodo
  16. penger


    And addressed the 3G issues with T-mo.
  17. If you want to borrow a B22 for more listening, I can probably lend you mine after the Norcal meet... It's the Mike's old Nugget 2-ch.
  18. No vested interest but dude. Doshi sounds cool.
  19. I took a look and they don't appear to be broken or defective in anyway. Few pictures I took. That's the one that's uneven. That's the normal one. Here's what they look from behind. Now for the life of me... I can't figure how to go about putting them back on. And until I figure that one out, if there are other angles/shots people would like to see, let me know.
  20. I see. I wonder if one of them is broken... Will investigate tonight.
  21. Last I checked, Panasonic had some plasmas in the sub $1000 range. There are many lines with varying feature sets that scale pretty quickly, but you should be able to find something that fits your needs.
  22. Audio Technica ATH-AD2000's in case them HE-5's don't work out. Speaking of which, I noticed on the Audeze website that there's a newer render of the LCD-2 where the headband is more curved/rounded. Any word on those?
  23. Well regardless of who did it, it's possible the earpads are/were damaged. If I get them off and that happens to be the case, I will take some pictures for posterity...
  24. Luckily Fang responded in the HE-5 thread on HF... sifting through 60+ pages would not have been very fun. I went ahead and emailed him asking about the proper way to remove pads so I have somewhere to start. We'll see how it goes.
  25. Yeah. I'll take a look. These being NoNoNoNoNoNo's pair may also have something to do with it. Not to throw him under the bus or anything but I seem to recall him taking them apart for some pictures. Could be wrong though. I'll look through the HF thread and if I can't find anything, I'll shoot Fang an email and see what he says. Kinda makes me want to buy those AD2000's for $499 @ Guitar Center, assuming that deal still exists...
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