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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Beautiful
  2. Looking good Mikey! Can you dance and slide in front of this setup?
  3. Cheeses care of the Amish via Aimless Al and Karyl, and yak and alpaca snacks from the local ranch.
  4. The self-proclaimed poop truck took away the contents of the tank, thankfully. Tried the jam this morning and it is tasty stuff, if I do say so myself. Plenty left for you to judge for yourself.
  5. If only I had a loaf of Mikey Bread to go with the local creamery butter and the new jam. Life would be even more sweet!
  6. This morning we had the septic tank pumped out for the first time in at least seven years. Gave away a load of books that belonged to my in laws, but kept plenty of others. Then I made some red raspberry freezer jam using fruit grown within a mile from here.
  7. Nobody suggests taking the amplifier off the speaker?
  8. I call it Three Rib-Eye Pie. In truth, I just seasoned them this way and then grilled them. I was hungry and had people waiting so I didn't take after pics. Tasty, though.
  9. Hope it's been a great one José! Cheers!
  10. The offer was accepted but Facebook got the scoop before us. Sad.
  11. Have a great vacation birthday Biggie! Cheers!
  12. I know it's a mixed metaphor image, but have a rucktastic day Mike! Cheers!
  13. Good luck Shell! Looks great but will be truly stunning with better furniture. [emoji12]
  14. You definitely cannot add the kids to your original plan, Stretch. Alden has a Samsung but we can all be on the new unlimited plan. We're not huge data users to my understanding, but I still like never having to think about it at all. Mike, there is a typo one way or the other -- you were or weren't going over on the 30gb plan?
  15. Has anyone explored this option? We have three out of four phones on the original unlimited iPhone plan but they claim this new cheaper plan is equally unlimited and unrestricted but I'm dubious.
  16. Happy birthday Greg of the Snakes and Sauv Blancs! Cheers!
  17. Have a great one Justin! Cheers!
  18. But what is your fee factor?
  19. Flank steak with chimichurri and veg
  20. That's down in the desert where Greg lives. It hasn't broken 102 degrees F up here this week!
  21. ¿Que?
  22. I got the Winmau dual core. It suffered from a little rain but was not ruined and seems to be recovering well. No recommended darts and I don't have a surround on the tree
  23. I think that is a hoax, Gary.
  24. Happy birthday Kerry! Cheers!
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