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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Damb Chop?
  2. I have been a little slow in getting the new table up and running, but I bought this AMG V12 Viella off Audiogon last month. Now playing:
  3. Congrat Blurry Ginger Jacob and wife!
  4. Ruebens on Sonja & Mikey's deli rye. Fantastic even if the makers dismiss the style.
  5. new vinyl on the new turntable
  6. Is that a good thing?
  7. How does it taste in SF?
  8. S&M Avocado Toast. Sonja and Mikey have something here.
  9. Not for you, Brent
  10. We had breakfast foods and talked
  11. Women.
  12. Wow. @swt61 is getting competitive with these birthday posts!
  13. Wow! Quite a lot!
  14. RIP Roy / Roger
  15. So sorry John, Antonio and Mike. Such good ears should not have such bad problems. I hope you each can achieve a favorable resolution (no pun intended).
  16. Leftovers become chicken hash
  17. RIP Enigma. Good kitty.
  18. New England brisket fairy in effect!
  19. Look, Doug. Everybody else is wrong. You're part of "everybody else." Pipe down.
  20. I hope the Astros show up.
  21. I helped this guy move into his new place in Mayberry.
  22. I'm losing my mind. 25 fucking runs. Un fucking believable.
  23. RIP Fats. And RIP Robert Guillaume at 89. I worked in the media department for California Lt. Governor Leo McCarthy while Benson was on TV. We set up an event for the real and fictional Lt. Governors and I got to meet Mr. Guillaume briefly and observe the event. He was just as suave and gracious as he was on TV.
  24. Happy birthday Marc! Cheers! ?
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