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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Milo has another type of woodworking to do.
  2. And I have a can of Tried & True sitting on the shelf right next to that plastic stuff...
  3. Wow, I'm going to watch the race later today and that puts a damper on it. RIP Michael
  4. Pre-summer fruits!
  5. I acquired 10 boxes of my friends' record collection that I helped amass and listened to daily during high school. Picked a 12" Echo and the Bunnymen for sentimental value and then something else I haven't heard in years. Fun stuff.
  6. RIP Cecil Taylor https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/06/obituaries/cecil-taylor-dead.html
  7. Have a good one Tyler! Cheers!
  8. Disappointing final. Winners won though
  9. Good to know. Same specs but not same geometry. I told you I wanted one!
  10. I'm not sure unique is the right word but I want one of them! "Forrest WW10407125 Woodworker II 10-Inch 40 Tooth ATB .125 Kerf Saw Blade with 5/8-Inch Arbor" https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/s//ref=mw_dp_a_s?ie=UTF8&k=Forrest
  11. Hope it's been a great day, Cat Whisperer! Cheers!
  12. This! Win win!
  13. Not the greatest pics, but here is the router table Steve and I built, with the horizontal and mortising setups shown below
  14. MY GOD, IT'S FULL OF BEARDS!!!!1!!
  15. Come on Shel, start Beardin'! ™
  16. Cheers everyone! A Very Tall Man is buying new a burger and beer for lunch, so the rainy first day of Spring is looking up! Amazing! Best present ever would be a collection of pics of all my friends wearing one!
  17. Turkish-inspired meatballs in yogurt sauce
  18. 'Merica, fuck yeah!
  19. Did fucking annoying tweens and 20-somethings around you sing/scream every word of every of every song like they did when I saw Lorde?
  20. Happy birthday Fitz! Wassup?! Cheers!
  21. Milo definitely need help with wardrobe, hair and makeup, but mostly a new director of photogphy
  22. What the Tall Man said!
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