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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Welcome Yikes! I saw your post and had the thought of going back to get your email for an invite but then it was gone. Oh well, you kinda proved your point unintentionally. I am going to the National meet and I think that you should too! Even if you don't lug that TT down with you I think it will be a good time, and I don't think the Mod Squad will try to tell you what to say or how to say it in person. I heard you're pretty fuckin' big, so I for one wouldn't try it. [Just had to work the word "fuck" in there somehow]
  2. I have to agree with Ric--in a quiet setting on the same amp these two cans do not sound close. Saratoga was super noisy when Ripley was there with his 701s, so I think it was hard to make these kind of comparisons. The 701s have less than an hour of listening time, and they were far more airy and open, had a wider soundstage and seem to extend higher and lower. The 601s have a nice sound, and seem slightly more comfortable, but their sound is clearly more closed in as Ric mentions.
  3. All I can say is that the table next to the beer table will work just fine for me. Plus, if Slacker fucks around too much and bugs Mike enough, I should be able to sneak a couple extras over to our table. Is it beer:30 yet?
  4. For digital sources, I think the HRS Nimbus pucks and rubber disks are great. Their damping plates are also supposed to be good for sources and speakers as well.
  5. One of my favorite photographs is a black and white of a shop window with a Mets sign modified to read: M E T S y n e u t a c i m k r s e Oh, and I voted for oral sex. Go GIANTS!
  6. Hey Slack, is your name Albert? Mine too (although nobody but my mom calls me that any more). If The Monkey is an Albert too, we will have to come up with some kind of gimick for our table at the Head-Fi meet like "Los Tres Albertos" and all wear sombreros or something. Or maybe not.
  7. Those are awesome. The last one--Oops I shouldn't'a had a V8--is amazing! Can we have them even if we don't understand them?
  8. I missed your PS-1s in Saratoga too! How are they going to be back in your house soon?
  9. Voltron is in the hiz-ouse! OK, just kidding, but hey everybody, and thanks PFK and Grawk for bringing me into the fold.
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