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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I just got my latest package with Tomcat and Leapin' and Lopin' 45 RPMs!
  2. Lambda Signatures and SRD-7 mk II from tyrion, c/o JP#s.
  3. I Amazoned Riceboy the Daft Punk Discs package over the weekend and he hand shipped mine on Monday. We are good little boys.
  4. Voltron

    slow forum

    That cat bag lady makes me ill.
  5. I understand him to have the same question I do, which is why not post some pics after making those claims? He said he was skeptical but that isn't exactly calling him out.
  6. Were you the commanding general for the 101st Airborne during the Battle of the Bulge? I think Aaron moderated my ass in the HF thread.
  7. Did I post on HF that Tom should put up some pics or am I nuts? I just looked and the post isn't there.
  8. If the money is sent to the seller, how is that fraud?
  9. Come on, take your pick and get a nice double-breasted made up!
  10. That reminds me of a Jetsons episode where they were gaga over this nonsense song... EEP OP ORK AH AH Jet Screamer, 1962 Eep Op Ork Ah Ah Get in the capsule, baby We are blasting off Eep op ork ah ah (woooooo) Eep op ork ah ah (woooooo) Eep op ork ah ah And that means I love you Well now, I took my baby for a ride in space (Eep op ork ah ah) We met a little man with a funny, funny face (Eep op ork ah ah) He taught us both to wail this way (Eep op ork ah ah) And nobody digs a word we say (Eep op ork ah ah) Eep op ork ah ah (woooooo) Eep op ork ah ah (woooooo) Eep op ork ah ah And that means I love you Yeah I read my baby loud and clear (Eep op ork ah ah) She just said I love you dear (Eep op ork ah ah) Now when I reply the way I do (Eep op ork ah ah) I just said I love you too Eep op ork ah ah (woooooo) Eep op ork ah ah (woooooo) Eep op ork ah ah And that means I love you Come fly with me Up high with me Come on fly with me And now Eep op ork means I dig you You heard the word that crazy word That word you heard Eep op ork means I love you Hop on baby, I'll put you in orbit woo woo
  11. Crustaecian is a great spot -- there are two in SF although one is not called that -- but the best thing on the secret menu is baked crab and it is way expensive. The garlic noodles are awesome but also very expensive for noodles. All tolled, you could get a simple meal for 2 there for under $100 but they would have to pay close attention to things marked "AQ" instead of priced! German/Austrian is fusion?! That is damn funny. Anyway, the real reason for posting was to offer to check out El Chavo for gift certificates because I will be down there this Friday night. Let me know if you want me to inquire and/or acquire.
  12. Ah, I see you are abiding by your contract.
  13. And I have Gallo Ref. 3s for sale right now! FOTM anyone?
  14. Voltron

    slow forum

    See, the literal minded look at that damn fish and how far the oar is in the water and assume the water is deep. One such literal minded dumbass assumed the guy was supposed to be walking on water and further assumed it was some religion case and stopped thinking right there. I like literal Nate's idea of checking the properties, which I have done for other things and should have thought of. Speaking of t-shirts, Chris, have you looked at my OT thread about jazzy shirts? I saw one that I assumed you would want but it was pricey to just buy for you (also don't know your size or anything else about you except your political leanings and musical preferences and purchasing habits). Check it out because I would pick one up for you if you were so inclined.
  15. Thanks for the update, Tyll. Why don't you just call the Desktop an Amp in the headphone amp section and a Preamp in the Audiophile Desktop section? You could silkscreen them differently if you feel like it, but mainly you just gotta get it into the thick sculls of some stodgy-ass audiophiles. Of course, while I type this my Desktop [Pre]Amp is convertin' digital data and pumpin' it into my Desktop Power Amp monos and through the freakin' gorgeous Harbeths on my desk. Oh yeah, as your legal counsel I suggest that you amend your Nate NDA to include 6 ping-pong balls in each hand because he is much more likely to blurt online than out loud.
  16. Voltron

    slow forum

  17. All gone now.
  18. I actually paid a little less than the website price, but I didn't say they were Cheap Cool Jazz T-shirts now did I?
  19. Two hours and counting.
  20. I saw some t-shirts by a company called Friend or Foe this weekend and bought one of the Workin' with the Miles Davis Quintet shirts they had at the shop. I also saw one that Aardvark would cream over, but it ain't on the website: Check 'em out.
  21. I don't really think that the post on HF is a hoax or an attention-getter or whatever, and the information is consistent with other comments made over time. Those Canuck Sennheiser people have been quoted before, iirc. Anyway, I think I posted this info before, but Rhythmdevils met some Sennheiser folks at AES and had this to say about it: "I was AES a couple weeks ago photographing for the daily that is produced for the event. There was a booth for Sennheiser, and Mr. Sennheiser was actually there! I didn't even know there was a mr. sennheiser. So I asked his assistant about new headphone models, and she told me some very interesting things i thought you might be interested in! They are working on some new electrostatic models. She couldn't tell me more than that because she said they were still in development stage. She said also, that the HD800 would be coming out soon, i believe she said a few months. She siad it would have a completely new shell design, and a completely new driver. She was explaining that it would be more open air design like AKG- I'm not sure if she meant K1000 or K701." The HD800 is coming out soon, I am certain of it. How soon is soon?, that is not known.
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