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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Cheers!
  2. Thanks for your work.
  3. I paid money to see them in SF a day or two later. It was awesome to see them live because I was constantly listening to Boy. The October album tour was later in 1981 and their Warfield show was one of the best and most memorable concerts of my life.
  4. Duck breast with mushrooms and gravy and tomato/beet salad.
  5. Voltron


    Incredibly sad. I can't imagine Keith Jarrett being unable to play the piano. Ric and I were in one of those audiences that he harranged for coughing too much, and many in the audience turned against him and openly heckled him. A meaner person might suggest a karmic retribution, but even that night he returned to the stage and took requests until he got back into the music and played quite awhile longer.
  6. @VPI is going to be thrilled that while he is in SF for the first time in a long time he can experience this jazz opera about boxing and shoes again!
  7. Cheers!
  8. Voltron

    The Good Lord Bird.

    We watched the second episode last night and both have been a hoot. I liked the writer's introduction and explanation for the somewhat comedic take on the subject. Looking forward to watching more.
  9. Have a metal birthday, Iain! Cheers! 🤘
  10. Happy birthday Carl! Cheers!
  11. Have a great one Peter! Cheers!
  12. What if you had Irish cream tea and crepes at the same time?! All heck might break loose! I have not been sleeping normally and keep waking up at 3-5am. Today I gave up at 6:30am and went to the local bakery/farm/pumpkin patch for pastry and a few other items. I had a sweet cream cheese croissant about 7:30am while watching the sunrise on a bay of Lake Michigan. I also bought a plain croissant so I made second break later in the morning with cheesy eggs and bacon in what Burger King called a croissanwich. I could easily live up here about 8 months of the year...
  13. I should have left that out, but it is something Claire and I used to joke about. When he did Sunday night baseball with Jon Miller he had a way of talking about himself a lot, along with a couple of comments he made repeatedly, like focusing on batters' hips as the key to success or explanation for failure. Anyway, an interesting twist is that Joe died on Jon Miller's birthday. Odd coincidence.
  14. RIP Joe Morgan. An amazing player and a sometimes annoying broadcaster. 2020 is fucking insatiable. https://www.mlb.com/news/joe-morgan-dies
  15. What in the hell is that?
  16. Don't bother.
  17. We have Spotify, not Tidal. You can DL Spotify music for offline listening but I'm not sure you can DL and access files from elsewhere, like her Wilco MP3s.
  18. Maybe I'm mistaken but iTunes doesn't exist in the form you're thinking of. Apple Music is a pay service, and the iTunes Store is part of that. There is a "Music" app on the phone and you can play music that is downloaded but I'm not sure if you can add to that library without connecting to a computer. Just never do this anymore.
  19. Seems like such an obvious thing, but Claire wants to download her new Wilco music onto her iPhone and listen to it. Post iTunes and on the streaming era I'm not sure what she should do.
  20. RIP Johnny Nash.
  21. RIP EVH. And fuck cancer.
  22. Just happened to see this in an old Fine Woodworking book. I'm up for whatever you want to build.
  23. A little more subtle than the usual sea salt and vinegar chips but the apple part of the vinegar doesn't really come through much.
  24. RIP Reddy and Dan B
  25. My sort of mother in law (Claire's ex step mother and ongoing mother of Claire's half brother) had to evacuate from St Helena yesterday after much debate and delay. I looked at the CalFires map and the Glass Fire is extremely close to their home. There is a small hill between them but it has raged over much taller ones.
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