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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. My father in law pulled the same stunt with this stupid beast. Stuck with him now it would seem. We went sledding and cross-country skiing and the dog found a coyote carcass that consisted of a head, vertebrae, and two hind legs. He whipped the thing around until he got one of the legs off and would not relinquish it. He pretty much devoured it. Disgusting.
  2. 11 years is a very long sentence. I don't know what you are talking about.
  3. That honestly wasn't meant as a hint Kerry. I just assume it will be awhile before you are able to even get started. Plus I just noticed my iPhone auto-corrected your name to Terry. Andy's pics also reminded me that I need an RK50 so if anyone has a good source please let me know.
  4. I figured the pain was going to start in earnest one of these days. I hope you can get more comfortable and get more sleep and get past this eventually. Choose life, don't let the death rodents into your home. Well, we are hanging in the snow up here in northern Michigan and I cannot imagine how these oldsters make it through the winter. Especially with their idiotic Labrador mix eating everything in sight and jumping up on them constantly. It is always so dense and green here during the summer that it is weird being able to see other houses along the lake and seeing out to the water directly from our loft room. Here is a pic from the loft window. It is just an iPhone shot but you can kind of see the place where the white ice/snow meets the not yet frozen water beyond the house. The dumb dog went right through the invisible fence and running out onto that ice this morning. Too bad he didn't fall through. Bleak and beautiful.
  5. Defeat Into Victory by Viscount Sliml. Thanks Dugeh
  6. Very cool Andy! Get it running and bring it up to Mayberry. Not sure when Terry will have time to work on mine.
  7. Happy birthday to JEW Happy birthday to JEW Happy birthday dear JEW Happy birthday to JEW Cheers!
  8. Sorry for the tough day but congrat on the raise that you clearly deserve.
  9. Good score HDen! Now get to work on that Anvil list! Glad the Cinemag is back with you Deepak. Swanky furniture Ric. Those chairs are more comfy than they might look from pics.
  10. Well done Ken. Enjoy the good stuff Gene.
  11. 'tis the season I guess Nate. I hope your Christmas isn't too white. We felt the chilly air when de-planing in Detroit, but now we are keeping warm near the gas fire in the Delta lounge. One little problem, however, is that the kids don't have seat assignments for the next flight to dinky TrAverse City. Now we get to grovel for seats at the gate. I hate fucking airlines.
  12. Got up at 3:30 for travel to the frozen tundra of Michigan. Now at the airport. Hoping for more sleep on the plane. Hey, that's what I should be doing! Nite nite Haj.
  13. Bummer dude. RIP Cap'n
  14. Aren't you two a bit old to be procreating? Looks awesome Santa Wayne! HO HO HO Great pics and ad copy, Stretch.
  15. Have a good one, eh! Cheers
  16. x2 on all counts!
  17. Gotdamn those were sweet looking and very tempting! I hope you enjoy them and love them and such, but I would be quite likely to buy the Olive Oyls from you in the futures should you want/need to sell them.
  18. I may have some colleagues in tow to help me, but I would like to try the BB, Old World and stout for sure. I have had Festina on tap before.
  19. In trial for the last day before Christmas right now, but pretty sure I will be doing this later: City Beer Store. Dogfish Head Olde School Barleywine bottle release.... Rare offering on tap along with bottles of the Olde School to take home and wrap for your loved ones holiday gift. Tap list will include: World Wide Stout, Olde School, Gina, Burton Baton, and Festina Peche. Bottles of Bitches Brew will also be available for purchase. I have to pick up some pre-orders of other stuff as well, so what a bonus.
  20. Upcoming shows already ticketed: The Decemberists on January Trombone Shorty in February
  21. Voltron

    slow forum

    Where'd you get that picture of young Mikhail?
  22. HBD dude. Cheers
  23. Who's overthinking? Your burn-in of several hours has cured sibilance? Y'all be crazy.
  24. What shit? Ya'all be crazy.
  25. Looking at this thread as a whole not on my iPhone while in trial, I think Ari says it about the best above^. I didn't see the initial stupid question so this was a bad test case. Sorry Steve, now I think I get it.
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