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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Whirl is really good, and Toots is always fun times.
  2. Anna Luna -- Sketches From the year before last's holiday gift exchange. Thanks again Antonio!
  3. Vijay Iyer -- Solo
  4. Hey, me too, or three, or four, or whatever.
  5. Sorry to hear of your burst pipes, Craig, but glad it was at least outside so that water didn't damage the house. Seems like the East coast storm was real enough. Hope you are all powered up and warm by now. I wasn't snowed out, but decided I wasn't quite ready for work in the office today. Update to the rack story above. Arnold of Core Audio Designs emailed back within a couple of hours max and offered to come by and pick up all parts and then return within the week with fully assembled racks. Seems like a good deal to me under the circumstances. I was wishing that Steve or Nate or somebody with skilz and toolz lived a little closer because it was take a little time to re-size the dados but I imagine it wouldn't be too difficult for you guys. Anyway, this is a good solution and he is falling all over himself to make it right.
  6. I took apart my entire main system at home in order to replace the shelves of my Core Audio racks that had some problems with the veneers cracking. Arnold of Core Audio delivered the free replacement shelves months ago and said that the new design might require a little beeswax (provided) and elbow grease to fit into the notches on the old upright pieces. After dismantling two racks I tried to rebuild one to no avail because the new shelves simply do not fit the old uprights. I banged up the corner of one shelf without making any real progress and then tried the top piece which sits down into a notch rather than sliding into it like the bottom shelves. The screw-holes do not line up at all. Now, my system and the shelves and crap are all piled in the space and I cannot play music. I am sure Arnold will make this right by giving me replacement parts, but I have to say I am pretty pissed that I got so far and then had to abort.
  7. Last night was quite a feast for around 30 of us at my brother's place: Roast Turducken (my first, not terribly impressed) Roast Turkey Sweet potato souffle Sauteed green beans Roasted glazed carrots and shallots (Claire made them and they were fantastic) Potatoes au gratin Green salad with pears and blue cheese Fresh cranberry sauce Multiple desserts and an amazing giant wedge of sheeps' cheese
  8. I am just about to make a leftover sausage scramble (after sleeping until 10:15) but Mike has shamed me in that department. That looks awesome. But did you have a rye barrel-aged imperial stout with your breakfast? Edit: apparently I am a day behind on the eating thread. Carry on.
  9. Hope you have two times the fun of the rest of us Christmas celebrators Ric and Guillaume! Cheers!
  10. Congrat Santa! Don't forget you have a few more tomorrow. Merry Cristmas!
  11. Good to hear, Dan. Mike, the fax machine is on whenever the meat is ready.
  12. Do you pulp the organs and meat bits together and then bleach it like the real ones?
  13. Cheers on your birthday Ken! Have a great one.
  14. Does the ipad have a fax app?
  15. First flight delayed. Missed second flight. Spent time in the lounge drinking and watching Netflix on the ipad. Just got on the later flight to SF and we have four separated seats and all are middle seats except Claire's. Wish I had powered down more drinks.
  16. That sounds great. Do you have the little chef hat things to put on top of the ribs?
  17. Congrat Manuel!
  18. Tim Marutani would be so proud of you JP!
  19. Voltron


    I agree with Reks and really liked the season, especially when . I thought that was the right way to end it.
  20. that would be great but not necessary. The travel team is not required to provide for obvious logistical reasons.
  21. Three Floyds represent!
  22. lawyering up!
  23. I sure hope you ate right about the S2, Postywillow. We just picked up a 42 incher for my inlaws and I will never hear the end of it if the set sucks. Well, until my father in law kicks the bucket at least.
  24. Those are some great picks. Nice!
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