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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I don't think it sucks, but there wasn't anything to make me want to make it again for myself. I think it is good to have refreshing and lighter/lower alcohol options for people who drink less and this would be one I would make for such sissies. Right now, I am joining Jim in an El Diablo using the same recipe. The new bottle of Fortaleza Reposado is super tasty, so that helps too. This was recommended by the owner of Cask and she knows her shit.
  2. What is the basis for saying it is dyed? The only indications I have seen would indicate otherwise. I haven't tried it in a louche and I am actually not so fond of it that I am trying to defend its name, but I am curious to know if that is true. Now is the time when we Anvil: Sherry Cobbler taken from Imbibe! by Wondrich 4 oz sherry 1 tablespoon superfine sugar (2 tsp because the sherry was not too dry) 2 orange slices Shake with cracked ice and pour unstrained into glass. Artfully arrange the muddled orange slices and throw in some berries and a straw. Easy as pie. OK if you like the taste of sherry, which I mostly do not. 15 to go on the list. Working on another right now...
  3. Emile Pernot Vieux Pontarlier 65 Absinthe Double Gold, SF World Spirits Competition Since 2001, and 5 STARS from F. Paul Pacult, the Emile Pernot Distillery has created and distilled several absinthes that are considered among the best artisanal absinthes in the world. Vieux Pontarlier Absinthe Fran
  4. Round headphones molded right into the headband endorsed by a rapper? Sleek by 50 Cent is going to be next in Monster's legal war.
  5. You're bothered by a lot of things.
  6. The nose tubes make him look like Fu Manchu, but that is pretty funny.
  7. I saw Scott's post from today and didn't look at when Mike posted his.
  8. Cannot find it in the App Store on my iPhone. Maybe it already got nuked.
  9. I know I am just banging my head against the wall here, but just because you "couldn't hear a difference" between your higher and lower priced DACs in a blind test a couple of years ago doesn't mean that there are no differences between modern DACs other than subjective perception and placebo. And bit perfect output doesn't translate to equality. OK, I just had to get that out. Carry on.
  10. Even better
  11. Can't this thread just be Slow Forum Too or some such?
  12. I was sitting here laughing when I read your post, Jim. And I laughed more.
  13. The Thread is dead. Long live the Thread!
  14. He plays piano and was not facing us. You weren't ready for the intensity of James Farm in general, so I don't think you would have caught that spark. But I do like The Afrobilly Sessions. Now playing: Mavis Staples -- You Are Not Alone Highly buzzed and listening to the EC BA AD1 on the RS-1 and HP-2, I have to say this album sounds divine.
  15. Bourbon Toddy Unlike Jerry Thomas, the Stork Club Bar Book of 1946 has this drink on the rocks and that far better suits my mood. Plus, the ingredients are far more interesting. Here is the recipe and the rest of what the Stork has to say about the beverage: "The approach of the dinner hour, which in New York varies between seven o'clock and midnight, is the signal for unloosing Niagras of Scotch and soda and cloudbursts of Martinis and Old Fashioneds. And if you object to the fruit salad, festoons of maraschino cherries, flotsam and jetsam of orange rind and canopies of Japanese parasols and American flags which are served with old fashioneds in many places, it is possible to obviate all this nuisance value by simply asking for a bourbon toddy. At Jack Bleeck's Artists and Writers Saloon hard by the Herald Tribune and in such Hollywood outposts as Mike Romanoff's and Dave Chasen's, it is known for no discoverable reason as a "gag", but its common term is bourbon toddy an by such it goes elsewhere in the land" 1 lump of sugar saturated with Angostura bitters [i used Jerry Thomas's Own Decanter Bitters as an homage to the creator] twist of lemon 2 oz [Parker's Heritage wheated] bourbon 1 oz water 2 cubes ice The sugar should be ground to syrup in the water with a muddler and the whiskey and ice cubes added after that. In its origin and, the the minds of gastronomic purists, the cocktail was originally intended as a brief drink, a quick aperitif to stimulate the appetite and stiffen the flagging gustatory senses, but it has passed into accustomed usage as a drink to be absorbed in considerable quantity despite the admonitions of the judicious." I love this book that my sister got me for $10 at a vintage shop in Minneapolis, and which I saw at Cask in SF for $250 to other day. Good stuff.
  16. Listen to their stuff on the the myspace page, even though it will not give you the full effect.
  17. The James Farm album is going to blow us all away. Next couple of months, latest. I hope. They have a show in Portland, OR in late February and if they are not playing around here in that time frame, I think Claire and I might go. Maybe meet my robot bro, Smegs.
  18. Joshua Redman -- Elastic
  19. Not nearly. It is hot looking and would have been a bitchin' combo if not for the opamps and tacking on parts.
  20. Further to the manly drinks... Hulk Whiskey Smash! Dissolve 1 tsp of sugar in a similar amount of water, add several sprigs of mint, SMASH! mint until flavour is extracted. Draw out the sprigs of mint, add one wine glass (2oz) of whiskey (or brandy or whatever, depending on what kind of smash you are making), shake or stir well, and pour into wine glass half full of ice, then decorate with fruits in season. Simple and surprisingly tasty. Hulk like!
  21. Seeing as I double-posted, here is a manly drink! Navy Grog Arghhh! The recipes were annoyingly inconsistent with the three simple ingredients posted on the Anvil List and I was shy of grapefruit juice or grapefruits, so I went with a combination of the classic Don the Beachcomber recipe and a more streamlined version. Plus I wanted to make more drinks tonight so I went from 1oz of each rum to .75oz. .75oz Goslings Black Seal .75oz Ron Zacapa .75oz Appleton Estate V/X .75oz honey syrup (2:1 honey:hot water) 1.25oz lime juice Shake and strain onto new ice with garnish and top with club soda, if you please. No scurvy in these here parts!
  22. Anvil Action Singapore Sling from the Raffles Hotel "recipe" which is really an ingredients list that Regan turned into a recipe and added the appropriate soda. 2 ounces Bluecoat gin 1/2 ounce Heering cherry liqueur 1/4 ounce Triple Sec 1/4 ounce Benedictine 2 ounces pineapple juice 1/2 ounce lime juice 2 dashes Angostura bitters Soda water (optional) Shake all but the soda with ice and strain into collins glass with new ice and top with soda. Used highball glasses with straw spoons but ran out of time for garnish of orange/pineapple/whatever.
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