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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Apocopolypse Now Redux on Blu-Ray
  2. Three Floyds brings out the best in people. Sounds great.
  3. I mixed up a beautiful batch of Sidecars and was about to shake it up when a call came in. I tried juggling a portable phone whilst shaking and talking, but right when I tried to put the Boston shaker on the table it split apart and phone and cocktail crashed down my leg and onto the floor. Fuck. Lucky I didn't open the G-R XO like I had considered. After swabbing and cleaning I mixed another round and knocked off a healthy one. Now having a Sierra Nevada Tumbler.
  4. Have as much bacon as you can eat in as many forms as you can find! Cheers!
  5. At Alembic bar after an Amoeba run: Vieux Carre with Rittnehouse 100 Aviation with Plymouth At home: Bonal & Rye 2 ounces Willett rye whiskey 1 ounce Bonal Gentiane-Quina 1/2 ounce Cointreau 2 dashes orange bitters 1 dash Angostura bitters -- Orange twist, for garnish Instructions: Combine all ingredients, except the garnish, in a mixing glass. Fill with ice. Stir well to chill; strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Twist orange peel over the drink and use as garnish.
  6. He really shouldn't talk about his wife that way.
  7. My favorite image is from 1:51-54. Not as time-lapsy as other parts but a cool image anyway.
  8. I haz a sad that I cannot invade with you guys.
  9. Before: Gerald Clayton -- Two Shade Since: British Sea Power -- Valhalla Dancehall
  10. Was: Kenny Werner -- Lawn Chair Society Is: Ry Cooder -- Bop Till You Drop
  11. Poor Brent
  12. Although it means something quite different to Reks in other contexts , I am quite certain that at your age I never considered cellaring anything. Kids these days...
  13. I found the World's Fair stuff way more interesting than the murder stuff.
  14. That sucks Mike. I hate the phony "on the truck for delivery" reports.
  15. Just beer and not too much of it because I was working in the evening.
  16. It really would be cool. Claire likes the iTunes store and I refuse to use it. If there was an option of hi-rez I would definitely buy stuff there.
  17. I was literally just looking at recipes and wondering what Dinny used.
  18. Maybe we can take a picture of Gene smoking a cigar with PS-1s and little round glasses on to see how close he can get to Bonnie's Freud.
  19. Drinking another 21st Amendment Brew Free or Die! IPA. Beer night is a nice break.
  20. Gene, you know better than anyone that I can swing both ways! Tonight so far it has been a 21st A. IPA and a Sierra Tumbler. Maybe I will add some plain spirits later, and maybe I will make a cocktail. Who knows?
  21. 99th Anvil List cocktail: Tom & Jerry using the Jerry Thomas recipe recited by Jim previously, although with a single egg, 2 oz of Zacapa and .75 oz of Maison Surrenne. Not bad, and not all that different from some of the other warm nog-like drinks. I need a pro to make one of these and see what it is really supposed to taste like. And 100 of 100 on the Anvil List: The Zombie or as the Stork Club Bar Book calls it, The Zombian Using Regan's Joy of Mixology recipe with an addition of passion fruit syrup because I bought it not remembering which recipe I was going to use: 2 oz anejo rum (Zacapa) 1 oz light rum (Appleton) 1 oz dark rum (Black Seal) 1/2 oz fresh lime juice 3/4 oz pineapple juice [1/4 oz passion fruit syrup] 1/4 oz apricot brandy (R&W) 1/4 oz 151-proof rum (Bacardi 151) Angostura bitters to taste (2 dashes) Shake and strain into a tall glass 3/4 full of cracked ice and garnish with mint sprig and fruit and a straw. Pretty tasty but I put in way too much lime -- read half ounce as juice of half lime -- and the addition of the passion fruit might be throwing it off a bit. Still tasty and potent! Here is the last drink of the list, up close and personal fin
  22. Stagg rules. Here is what my last Anvil night is looking like:
  23. Wire -- Red Barked Tree
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