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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Funny you should ask, Mike, because I was about to post a quick pic from last night. I called the Meat Meister for a quick pep talk before using the Traeger for the first time and got some good tips. I bought a small pork loin roast and a small slab of baby back ribs but it was too late for a low and slow option. I got the Traeger going on Smoke, and then covered the meat with a good coating of Butt Rub, not knowing just how salty and spicy it was. I smoked them for about 45 minutes and then turned up the heat to high and cooked them for another 45 minutes or a little more, turning them once. It turned out it was a little long for the roast because there was no pink but the great thing was that it was moist and tender with a great crust from the rub. The ribs took in a lot more of the smoke and were really spicy and juicy and delicious. Everyone else was scraping off a bit -- or a lot -- of the rub but I loved it. There is a learning curve, of course, but this thing is damn easy and the next one will be more low and slow.
  2. I was tuned in elsewhere obviously because I just caught this news flash. Sorry to hear about it Jacob, but as I said the last time you two broke up it seems like it is for the best.
  3. Nice Darb Shelly and welcome back to the world of chilled drinks! I think Becky may have something, there, Gene.
  4. Nice haul Shelly, but sorry about the knife not working out. Enjoy the new speakers Colin. Jacob is knife crazy! That one looks wicked!
  5. For science! Nice going Jim. Now drinking a Green Flash Imperial IPA. Good stuff.
  6. Jim, I haven't tried that many but I do not love the Bols like I love Ransom for Old Tom style. I have had and liked Anchor's Genevieve but I'm not sure it is a traditional genever. I'm curious what you get and how you like it because I would like to get another option. Very cool Mike! But don't get too cool when you drinking outside later! Dinny, I think your problem last night was combining those two. That would not make a tasty cocktail!
  7. That looks great Marc!
  8. I had a dram of Old Rip Van Winkle at work, and then a 21st Am IPA with dinner and then a very nice Manhattan with Saz 18 and Perucchi red vermouth. I like the new vermouth in red, but need to try the blanco.
  9. German shorthairs are awesome dogs! Of course, if you haven't had a dog and now have to deal with the responsibilities then I can understand the but I hope you love her and the family enjoys having a dog. And good on you for getting a rescue!
  10. Knucks was taking his mom to the hospital today, Dusty. Me. Eat. Now:
  11. I got you Three Floyds for your birthday! Pretty Boy, Pink, and . . . the Barber! Have a great birthday Mike. I, too, will hoist a few in your honor tonight! Cheers!
  12. Stagg, Redbreast and Saz 18. You folks aren't slumming it tonight! I am having a Gin Buck with North Shore No. 6, Fentiman's ginger beer and juice of half of a lemon. Tasty and sharp. Not quite as sweet and hot as the Stagghattan but interesting in its own right.
  13. Sweet and Hot!
  14. Ooh, I wish you could do ours for the bathroom. We have gone back and forth yea and nay on poured concrete but I think it would be very cool. If cooler with Dr. Wood love in it (yes, I assume you jizz in the mix just to personalize it).
  15. Good point. We'll have to make sure and pound the same thought into their heads more directly then.
  16. Hey, that's what I do most of the time these days!
  17. White Lies -- Ritual
  18. @ Fitz. This is the other thing that crossed my mind:
  19. Gotta try 'em out.
  20. Homemade Napalm
  21. Saw a martini-style cocktail called the Gloom Lifter, Shelly. Coming right up! Meanwhile, I just poured a little Pappy 19yo over an ice cube and I intend to drink it shortly.
  22. San Martin Cocktail 3 parts dry gin (1.5+ oz Blackwoods finishing the bottle) 3 parts Italian vermouth (1.5 oz Punt y Mes) 1 part yellow Chartreuse (.5 oz) Stir and squeeze a lemon peel on top. Tasty, not dissimilar from the Guards, but more subtle and complex while less bitter.
  23. Yay Todd!
  24. Guards Cocktail from the Jimmy Late of Ciro's 1930 bar book 1 oz Dry Gin (Blackwoods) 2 oz Italian vermouth (Punt y Mes) 2 dashes Curacao Stirred and strained over new ice even though it is probably meant to drunk up. Tasty with the bitter Punt y Mes. Kind of Negroni-like.
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