Funny you should ask, Mike, because I was about to post a quick pic from last night. I called the Meat Meister for a quick pep talk before using the Traeger for the first time and got some good tips. I bought a small pork loin roast and a small slab of baby back ribs but it was too late for a low and slow option. I got the Traeger going on Smoke, and then covered the meat with a good coating of Butt Rub, not knowing just how salty and spicy it was. I smoked them for about 45 minutes and then turned up the heat to high and cooked them for another 45 minutes or a little more, turning them once. It turned out it was a little long for the roast because there was no pink but the great thing was that it was moist and tender with a great crust from the rub. The ribs took in a lot more of the smoke and were really spicy and juicy and delicious. Everyone else was scraping off a bit -- or a lot -- of the rub but I loved it. There is a learning curve, of course, but this thing is damn easy and the next one will be more low and slow.