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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. When I posted this: You were supposed to post this: Sheesh.
  2. Vinicius Cantuaria & Bill Frisell -- Lagrimas Mexicanas Miles Davis & Quincy Jones -- Live at Montreux
  3. That's great, Ken! Here's to hoping it stays that way.
  4. Well, I guess this is going to be working quite well as a matter of fact, this technology has just emerge to the surface and I think there shouldn’t be anything wrong with it. But new technology isn’t something that you guys want to get in the first place; they will need some people to use it and to give them feedback to let them know how their products are doing actually. I recommend you to get it after some time. But I don’t think there would be any problem wrong with it.
  5. Not being an idiot at all. I think that change resolved my notification problem too! Thanks John.
  6. Deerhoof -- Deerhoof vs. Evil
  7. Gang of Four -- Content Exciting stuff
  8. Sleigh Bells -- Treats
  9. Iron & Wine -- Kiss Each Other Clean
  10. Bot, not wat.
  11. First drink, Shelly, but the Bols bottle is so attractive that I always pick the pic focused on it.
  12. Using Jim's recipe for this drink, which I have never heard of. The Alamagoozlum Cocktail 1/4 egg white 1 oz genever (Bols) 1 oz water (filter) 3/4 oz Jamaican rum (Appleton's V/X) 3/4 oz yellow Chartreuse or green Chartreuse (Yellow) 3/4 oz gomme syrup (Small Hands) 1/4 oz Curaçao (Curacao of Curacao) 1/4 oz Angostura bitters Shake hard and long (no comments) with ice in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
  13. Everything should come with tikka masala sause. Nice dish, Shelly.
  14. Thanks Nate.
  15. Sorry, not specific enough. Non-audiophile, non-gear-oriented, non-techy secretary seeks dock-able speaker or bluetooth/wifi powered speakers or some such simple device to play tunes from iPad. Portable or transportable preferred. Thank you.
  16. Any recommendations for a non-audiophile who wants speakers to play music off of her iPad?
  17. I haven't gotten an email notification since the change, even though I think I have it set up to email when I get PMs and the email is listed correctly.
  18. When in the hell are you coming to my hood without even checking in with your buddy?
  19. Built a Red Hook with Shelly's proportions except 2.5 oz Wild Turkey rye because that was all that was left in the bottle. Nom Nom Nom
  20. Beautiful Red Hook Shelly. I just made some around new year's and it is a tasty treat. Thanks for the first impressions, Jim. How was the Alamagoozlum? I really need to drink some wine with Greg one of these days. I forgot to mention I am having a nice Brooklyn with Wild Turkey rye 101, Torani Amer, Dolin Blanc, and Luxardo Maraschino
  21. Seems like it was only yesterday.
  22. Awesome lineup Jim, and Reks is right that warning label is all win. Bitchin' knife, Shelly! It doesn't look gaudy to me, and I bet the blade will be much more subtle looking in person.
  23. Nice spatchcocks!
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