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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Happy birthdays to a couple of Cali 'Casers! Cheers!
  2. Jim, you should rent this movie (and the Extras DVD) to get inspiration. It is about the Carthusian monks who make Chartreuse.
  3. His and Hers Chinato Manhattans 4oz Russell's Rye 2.5oz Cocchi Barolo Chinato 3 dashes Fees orange bitters Cherry Nice change of pace. Also, most of my booze is in Mayberry so the repertoire is limited.
  4. PM Marc because he is at B&B tonight! Get him on the case.
  5. I enjoyed World War Z and look forward to the movie. Maybe I will expand my zombie reading to a second book with Feed.
  6. Russian River Consecration from a bottle to console myself for passing up Toronado's RRBC "tion" night. The list of special beers on tap was long but the crowd was 5-deep around the entire bar and I didn't want to get home late. Bummer.
  7. vinicius cantuaria
  8. I still haven't opened the Eagle Rare 17. Seeing as my Stagg is almost all gone, I guess I better give it a shot! Plus, I seem to have magically scored a High West Rendezvous so I want to crack that one as well.
  9. Cool Todd! Enjoy the new toy.
  10. No, but the phone support was escalated to a specialist or some such who thought that I should go in for one more repair effort. I then helped to convince the Genius that it was a lost cause and how much of a hassle I had been through. Thanks.
  11. Kick it up a notch! Enjoy them Vicki. Yesterday, I bought AppleCare for a new 27" iMac that I received for free because my 2.5 year 24" iMac was in for the third time for repair in the last 2 weeks. Pretty sweet to get a new computer and then get insurance covering it for 3 more years! All's well that ends well, I guess.
  12. Good luck with your talks and your B&B evening, Marc!
  13. Marc, were you at Rickhouse the whole time? It is a good spot and owned by the same folks as B&B and Cask Store.
  14. Pliny the Elder.
  15. Happy orange birthday Stephen! Cheers!
  16. Happy birthday diebenkorn, from Wayne Thibeaud Cheers
  17. FiftyFifty Brewing Eclipse imperial stout aged on Rittenhouse Heaven Hill Rye casks.
  18. As someone who has fronted costs on numerous meets, this position is not reasonable. If you attend a meet in a space that costs money to rent, then you should definitely pitch in to the costs unless you simply cannot afford even $5 or whatever. The issue I have with CeeTee's plan, is that he seems to be collecting money for the room plus he is having a raffle. I am not sure what the raffle money is for, but when most people are looking to raise money for meets, they do one or the other. Collect money straight up if they do not have raffle items, or they collect all money through the raffle if vendors or members have donated raffle gear. If there is extra, then most people simply buy some food or drinks for the crowd, or in some instances like ChiUniFi they say that they will hold the money and use it in the next one. That seems ridiculous and fraught with problems to me, but whaterver. Renlute- You are good guy and do not exemplify the problems I and some others have with the bulk of the current membership on Head-Fi, and my comments at least were not intended to knock you or CeeTee for your interest and enthusiasm. I am not going to go into a long diatribe about the state of Head-Fi, but the fact that so few long-time members can be bothered to wade through all the drek and deal with stupid issues like concerns about hair nets and sanitary covers for headphones. I hope the meet is a great success and I am glad somebody has stepped up to take on the job of hosting.
  19. What she said!
  20. Smokestack Lightning imperial stout at Magnolia to complete my first dozen of strong beers (although I did have help).
  21. I have no idea but find it very odd that Ayre would lend its name to something sold by a different company.
  22. Tonight is Trombone Shorty with Los Amigos Invisibles at the Fillmore, and Monday night is The Decemberists at The Fox Theater.
  23. How were the Amer and the Brooklyn, Jim? Yesterday, I pretended I didn't have to work and could just drink away the afternoon with a former law partner. At "lunch" at 21st Amendment, I had the Lower de Boom barleywine, the Lord & Master strong English blond, and half a 21 Rock triple IPA. After walking back to the office and "working" a bit, I stopped in at Magnolia to complete one of my Strong Beer Month tickets. I started with a Pride of Branthill strong bitter and a Tweezer Tripel, only to discover that there was one more beer to go on that ticket. Wisely, I chose to wait for another day, because 4.5 strong beers was more than enough for one afternoon/evening. I just may have to stop off today for that last one, though.
  24. It might make me a post count snob, but not a post count whore.
  25. Yeah, that's what my garbled "example" was supposed to mean, but you said it a lot clearer.
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