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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. The secret is that I have 3 more bottles of each of the three main 50/50 2010 Eclipse. Shhh!
  2. You're going to crack, I just know it! Finishing up the FiftyFifty Rye-PA growler now that I am back in SF. I have to say that their beers are pretty damn good, and the Eclipse is outstanding.
  3. Hope you guys have had a great day! Cheers!
  4. The latest Amarra or at least the Sonic Console seems buggy and unstable again. I wish I had stayed where I was but will just load an old build for now.
  5. Congrats CeeTee and Renlute and the rest. It looks like it was a great success and a lot of fun.
  6. True enough, Matt, but I am still a little bit gratified that he grudgingly might have taken something I said to heart. And Raffy, you should try it with a splash of really cold spring water. Similar effect to the ice cube from the ease of drinking standpoint, and some people believe a little branch water opens up the bourbon. I am currently drinking tea because we forgot to get more ground coffee for this poorly equipped condo (the bag of beans are sitting worthlessly on the counter).
  7. Martini (medium) Cocktail 1.5oz Old Raj gin .75oz Dolin Blanc .75oz Cocchi Chinato More improvisation.
  8. Eclipse to finish. Good stuff.
  9. Calzone bigger than my head! Birthday week ftmfw, btw!
  10. Zombie Dust is a great beer name! Thanks for the props Gene, my slalom is Teh awesum. Now drinking the Red IPA. Malty goodness with major hops. This is a great beer.
  11. Back at FiftyFifty for lunch now that everyone is skiing. Starting with a Concentrated Evil. Pretty good but I'm going to have to switch and decide whether I can fit in the red IPA before I have another Eclipse. This is much better than waiting in lines to rent ski gear and shit.
  12. I quite liked the Bourye, but this was the first time I tried it. I thought it was tasty in the Old Pal and then had a dram neat and then with an ice cube. I like the rye bite and bourbon sweetness/smoothness. I can see why Dinny likes it because it is his perfect combo.
  13. WOLVERINES!!! Nice post Tyll.
  14. Happy birthday Al! Cheers, Al
  15. Voltron

    World of Goo

    TeeHee. I just did the same in one of the other threads our new grave-digger unearthed.
  16. Welcome to Head-Case. Some friendly advice given that our welcome PM is absent with new forum software. Don't post shotgun fashion on anything that catches your eye here and don't ever unearth threads after years of inactivity -- especially dead tangential gaming threads and the like -- and then post your random musings on the subject. Once you get a sense of this place you can dive in a bit more but you are going to get pounded in the back of the head with a shovel if you continue this pattern. Cheers
  17. Nice looking drinks even if you didn't like them. . I think really strong Ginger beer only works in a couple drinks and those aren't them. I also find I seldom like classic cocktails with OJ in them. Too cloying. A good Mimosa or even screwdriver can hit the spot sometimes but the paradise would be better without OJ.
  18. This wasn't a democracy last I checked. That guy acted like a douche and dug his own grave. I don't like instant rejections or banning but this isn't a forum for everyone as has been stated over and over again. No need to keep the failures around after they show themselves. Edit: I got distracted and Jim said it better than I.
  19. Dinny, didn't you read that it was cocktails and booze time?! The program. Get with it!
  20. Yay, it's cocktail and booze time! Improvised Old Pal: 1oz High West Bourye 1oz Cocchi Chinato 1oz Dolin Blanc Nice, but not as sharp as usual.
  21. Glad to hear it but not surprised. I had to miss them this week at Yoshi's and was bummed.
  22. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do you get a "full vote" on Head-fi?
  23. Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros -- Streetcore
  24. Very beery day so far, and one more from me: FiftyFifty Rye-PA growler and the view out of the condo window.
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