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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. That looks fucking killer. I love rye bread and rarely eat it. Want porterhouse with rye NOW!
  2. Haters gonna hate. Bastard fucks.
  3. That sounds familiar.
  4. We have an iSi syphon like this one, and quite liked it when we were actively using it. Maybe this is another reason to buy some CO2 cartridges and use it again.
  5. Loch Lomond -- Little Me Will Start a Storm
  6. Here's a little more help to get you going:
  7. Toro y Moi -- Underneath the Pine The Low Anthem -- Smart Flesh
  8. Betty had a blue period too:
  9. Nasty mind.
  10. Yep, I feel the same. The upcoming Macbook Air has been my main target but the loaded 15" MBP with SSD is going to give it a serious run for the money. I am going to the Store to check them out and see if I can deal with the weight difference.
  11. It's backwards compatible and even uses adapters to FW, USB, and other connectors. The first 500GB SSD by LaCie already looks badass: Little Big Drive Thunderbolt
  12. That's because it is brand new and the peripherals are not announced yet. Intel is having a press conference on this today. LaCie and Promise are committed to various products, and you can be damn sure that Apple's displays are going to have Thunderbolt connectors very soon, etc., etc., etc.
  13. Golf ball is amazing, sign language is hilarious, and Voltron camera is always a good time. Want this computer. Bad.
  14. That would be cool but a dock seems like the more likely way they would go. The mini DV connector seems pretty big for the iPad. EDIT: Some of the geeks on the Macrumors forum are sure that the iPad will have Thunderbolt so who knows. I was thinking more along these lines:
  15. The Fish House Punch was an ambitious undertaking Marc, and it sounds great. I have to try some of the alcohol alchemy you are getting up to. I feel the same way. A nice martini works sometimes but a Vesper is what I prefer more often. That is one bigass pic there, Shelly! Naaman started it, actually, but no formal group buy. I cracked a new bottle last night, so maybe you should just come over sometime and knock back a couple.
  16. Ric hipped me to the new MBP with the amazing Thunderbolt tech (formerly Light Peak). This shit looks like it's going to be cool. Plus, it has a thunderbolt on all connectors so our own god of Thunder in Iceland will have to get on this bandwagon. MBP with Thunderbolt! Lion sounds bitchin' and the new Air coming this summer (I hope) is going to rule! It better have a Thunderbolt connector too, dammit!
  17. Ian, you had better check out the new models because Thunderbolt tech is teh futah! My link
  18. Cheers Naaman, from Ric and Al
  19. Not a bad goal, really. Although it might become a bit monotonous.
  20. Great success! I convinced them that doubling up on the Promised Land IPA should be enough with 11 of 12 beers punched. The twist is the they were out of the strong beer month glasses (of which I have 7) so they gave me a different one instead. Even better.
  21. I'm drinking a Pride of Branthill on cask at Magnolia to commemorate Duggeh's return to Great Britain. I have to finagle a solution to being short by one strong beer that is no longer available. I myst get that free glass or else I'm going to steal one from these bastards!* Just kidding. No petty theft planned at this time. Probably.
  22. Don't be a silly monkey. Go here: And then buy a Klean Kanteen and be done with it.
  23. Baller! True, true.
  24. Fucking A right! Welcome back Naaman. I get to knock off the last dram of my Parker's 27 tonight to toast your return, and blessingx is coming over so he can join me. Luckily I bought another bottle recently but was waiting for the ceremonial dram before opening it. Win-Win, I say!
  25. Hey, those Scots are cheating you out of 50ml! Those look awesome, Mikey, and the old one is almost as old as I am. Too bad it isn't Clan Dinny.
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