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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Middle Brother
  2. Even better when you combine them into one:
  3. The Baseball Project -- High and Inside Panda and the Freak is pretty awesome, and was clearly written before the Giants won the Series. Funny stuff.
  4. The Rural Alberta Advantage -- Departing
  5. Duh. Metric Halo.
  6. Lot B is the shizz. Perfect for amp buying time!
  7. There's a sucker drunk every minute . . . I cleverly grabbed the R&W from Mayberry yesterday so that will be the next greatest drink on earth. For now, a Clement two-fer: Fair and Warmer .75oz Perucchi Italian vermouth 1.5oz Clement white rum 2 dashes Curacao (.5 tsp) Stir and strain with a cherry to garnish. Rum manhattan is ok by me! Third Rail Cocktail #2 1 dash Versinthe absinthe (compliments of blessingx) 1oz Clement white rum 1.5oz Germain Robin XO brandy .5oz Pommeau de Normandie Should be equal parts rum, brandy and calvados but I didn't have calvados so I went with more brandy. Damn fine and very spiritous cocktail.
  8. Touché mon ami! By pure coincidence I had just snapped a pic with a sword cocktail pick in a pompous crystal bowl glass. Joburg Cocktail 5 dashes Fees orange bitters 1.5oz Clement Martinique white rum 1.5oz Lillet blanc as Capertif substitute Lemon peel
  9. Of course, mine was originally my grandfather's, so it all makes sense.
  10. Thought about picking it up at K&L and Cask a number of times but never have.
  11. Nice Jim! It's practically like being at my house (although I only have 1 King Cube). Enjoy!
  12. More like:
  13. Acting even more weird. Not that you need to do anything, but it is odd.
  14. Thanks for the tip, Steve. I need to get back into 'dropping.
  15. On Thursday, I am going to the Symphony with Michael Tilson Thomas conducting and Anne Sofie von Otter singing. On Friday, I am hoping to see Kaki King with Zoe Keating at Yoshi's SF. Reminds me to buy tickets for the latter.
  16. Oscar night. Champagne followed by Aviations. Sorry Shelly, no pics again!
  17. Thanks to Dusty, my first Left Hand brew, in this case an Imperial Stout. No skunking at all, and the incredible packing job with individual insulated wrapping would have made it damn difficult to cook these bottles. Thanks again Dusty, this one is very tasty and I will need your oatmeal cookie recipes for some of the others.
  18. Attempted to be subtle and at least seem to be focused on my wife instead of cocktails and you people. Both were good and the Rum & Honey idea is a nice twist on the usual old fashioned. A stronger, sharper rum might be interesting even though the Barbancourt was super tasty and not terribly sweet.
  19. Excellent work Shelly! Please report back on the Luxardo and don't hesitate to use the Redbreast in cocktails! You use expensive spirits all the time. That said, how is that other Irish? I haven't tried the Dougroni but I bought a bottle of Cynar last week and started experimenting. Search my last few posts in this thread if you want some more artichokey ideas.
  20. Nice drinkies, cocktail buddie. And nice pic Dinny, and nice glass Peter. I let the pros at Heaven's Dog handle the duty tonight. First was a Biarritz Monk Buck, which was very tasty and refreshing. Then, I had a Vesper of the bartender's choice. For after dinner I had a Rum & Honey, which is essentially the HC rum old fashioned that Marc made except with honey instead of simple syrup or a muddled sugar cube, and a very cool hand-sawn chunk of ice. HD recipes below. Biarritz Monk Buck Recipe from Erik Adkins, Heaven's Dog Makes 1 drink Ice 2 ounces Armagnac 1 ounce fresh lemon juice ¾ ounce simple syrup (1 part sugar dissolved in 1 part simmering water) ½ ounce yellow Chartreuse ½ ounce ginger solution* 1 ounce soda water Lemon wheel, for garnish Fill a shaker with ice. Add the Armagnac, lemon juice, simple syrup, Chartreuse and ginger solution and shake for 10 seconds. Strain into an ice-filled Collins glass and top with the soda water. Garnish with a lemon wheel. *To make ginger solution, stir 1 part sugar into 1 part ginger juice made by squeezing freshly grated ginger through a paper towel. Cap Haitian Rum & Honey Barbancourt 15yr rhum, local organic honey, Angostura bitters on a hand cut ice cube Now back from the ballet and having a dram of Parker's 27 to toast birthday boy Naaman again!
  21. Happy home for your birthday day! Cheers!
  22. Nice beer selection Emelius, as usual. How did they have 10yo Bigfoot? Was it good stuff? I just bought some bottles to cellar for awhile because I typically only like it after a few years.
  23. Cin Cyn Cocktail 1oz Old Raj gin 1oz Cynar 1oz Cinzano (Perucchi rojo) 2 dashes orange bitters Lemon peel Stir and enjoy the Negroniness
  24. Adventures in Artichoke-land continue: Norma Jean Cocktail 2 oz gin ½ oz Cynar ¾ oz lemon juice ½ oz simple syrup 6-7 mint leaves Shake everything with ice cubes and double strain into a glass filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a mint sprig and serve.
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