I like the Perucchi vermouths, Shelly. The red is a bit spicy/botanical and not too sweet, and the blanco is sweetish like the Dolin blanc but more spice notes. I have not tried the extra dry, which you will know by the "extra dry" sticker and nothing else on the label, apparently.
Feeling a bit sad that Underhill Lounge is down to 2 cocktails left on the original Savoy list. Pretty amazing he has been at since June 2006. I am going to mix up the third from the end, a Zaza according to the slight Underhill variation:
"Zaza Cocktail
1/2 Dubonnet. (1 1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge)
1/2 Dry Gin. (1 1/2 oz Junipero Gin)
(1 dash Angostura Bitters)
Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. (Squeeze lemon peel over glass and drop in.)
Source: Hugo Ensslin, “Recipes for Mixed Drinks” 1916-1917
Like the first time I made this, oh so many years ago, as the Dubonnet Cocktail, I found the mixture of half gin and half Dubonnet Rouge a bit plain. Thus, I always feel a bit justified in adding a dash of bitters and a citrus peel to the drink.
Definitely cures the plain Jane nature of this cocktail and slightly elevates it."