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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Well, you have to blend them first. Duh.
  2. I like to mix in a little goat with my puppy drinks
  3. Hey, that was my exact expression when I visited Mikey's whisky garage!
  4. 7 1/2 ounces, tee hee. I wanted to use the new FFF glass from Mike and I had a chilled bottle that seemed a match made in heaven hell so I went with it. Mmm, good pumpkin!
  5. Fuck off cunt. I know I'm not a mod, but is that professional enough for you?
  6. Nice Jim! I got pretty snockered with 3 drinks in quick succession last night after going to see Rango with the boy child. I really do think it is tasty, though, and will try the first recipe momentarily. The Old Pal is just that, a nice little cocktail to have in the repertoire and revisit again and again. Earlier this evening, I made a Liberal cocktail using the approved HC ratios. Very nice.
  7. Yuck, feel better Haj.
  8. Oh well, nobody else is up to play, but there were 2 more ounces in the Zacapa so I had to finish it off with another Crimson Slipper.
  9. So, going to Underhill Lounge reminded me of another blog linked there called A Mountain of Shaved Ice, and there was a recipe I wanted to try that I think Marc would really like. I went with the latter of these two, which is very tasty with Zacapa 23: THE CRIMSON SLIPPERS COCKTAIL Ice cubes 2 ounces dark rum 1 ounce Campari 1/2 ounce homemade triple sec 1 dash bitters Lime slice, for garnish 1. Fill a cocktail shaker halfway up with ice cubes. Add the rum, Campari, triple sec, and bitters. Shake well. 2. Strain into a cocktail glass. Squeeze the lime slice over the glass and drop it in. From Cold Glass: 2½ oz dark rum (Appleton Estate 12) 1 oz Campari ¼ oz Cointreau 2–3 dashes Peychaud’s bitters Stir until quite cold; strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Express and garnish with lime.
  10. I like the Perucchi vermouths, Shelly. The red is a bit spicy/botanical and not too sweet, and the blanco is sweetish like the Dolin blanc but more spice notes. I have not tried the extra dry, which you will know by the "extra dry" sticker and nothing else on the label, apparently. Feeling a bit sad that Underhill Lounge is down to 2 cocktails left on the original Savoy list. Pretty amazing he has been at since June 2006. I am going to mix up the third from the end, a Zaza according to the slight Underhill variation: "Zaza Cocktail 1/2 Dubonnet. (1 1/2 oz Dubonnet Rouge) 1/2 Dry Gin. (1 1/2 oz Junipero Gin) (1 dash Angostura Bitters) Shake well and strain into cocktail glass. (Squeeze lemon peel over glass and drop in.) Source: Hugo Ensslin, “Recipes for Mixed Drinks” 1916-1917 Like the first time I made this, oh so many years ago, as the Dubonnet Cocktail, I found the mixture of half gin and half Dubonnet Rouge a bit plain. Thus, I always feel a bit justified in adding a dash of bitters and a citrus peel to the drink. Definitely cures the plain Jane nature of this cocktail and slightly elevates it."
  11. One point five times one of these Bushwicks. In a hurry!
  12. True. That was in the back of my mind, but wouldn't come to the front. Thanks, that will be next. More ideas welcome.
  13. Awesome loaf!
  14. Savory cocktail ideas needed. The Carthusian was too sweet for my sister apparently. Classic Martini is what she is thinking but I need to broaden her horizons. Give.
  15. Two Carthusians for my sister and me, using Jim's modified recipe with .75oz each of Chartreuse and Punt y Mes.
  16. That's a great idea! Let's start a thread on HF about how the metal base GZ34s take the new Eddie Current amp to a whole new level and Craig won't even be able to keep up with all the lemmings ordering one to see which rectifier makes it sound best!
  17. Wow, lots of purchases. Congrat to each of you, and thanks for keeping the economy going!
  18. This is a very good Cuba Libre recipe if you want a lighter true cocktail, but if nothing else I like to add bitters to the usual recipe: CUBA LIBRE Adapted by Isidro Gutiérrez for Town at the Chambers Hotel 3 ounces Coca-Cola 1 ounce rum 1/2 ounce gin 2 dashes bitters 1/4 lime Dash of club soda Mix the Coca-Cola, rum and gin in a highball glass. Add the bitters, and squeeze in the juice from the lime. Top off with the club soda to add bubbles. Yield: 1 serving.
  19. Darkside * 2 1/2 ounces gin, preferably Plymouth brand * 1 ounce Barolo Chinato * 3 dashes Peychaud bitters * Twist of lime peel * 1 whole star anise (optional) Directions: Fill a mixing glass two-thirds full with ice, then add the gin, Barolo Chinato and bitters. Stir vigorously for 30 seconds, then strain into a cocktail (martini) glass. Twist the lime peel over the drink, then drop it in, along with the star anise, if desired.
  20. You can't spell Buddah with Bud®
  21. That's not advice, that's a prescription. I am a Juris Doctor, you know.
  22. Eagle Rare, STAT! That's yucky, Dinny. Good of you to care and help.
  23. Maybe it couldn't fit in one of those little boxes, but they missed my favorite Sheen: Wait, this one too:
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