That sucks Al. Best of luck to you and your wife.
My wife is a PhD and former professor who never got on the tenure track in academia because I already had a job in SF and a California bar card, and we weren't willing to move to whatever schools had openings anywhere in the country. Although the PhD programs were touting that the retirement of GI Bill profs was going to cause a new wave of openings to arrive, the reality was that schools simply filled slots with part-time, one-year, non-tenure people. She decided to raise our kids instead of fucking around with the short-term jobs, etc. Eventually, she went back to school part time to get her teaching credential and now teaches high school. Once again, however, she is being subjected to the fucked up state of education because she cannot get a proper, full-time, tenure-track position and has been laid off a couple of times only to be re-hired with worse terms. The school loves her and wants her to stay so they keep figuring out ways to make it happen, but it is demoralizing on some level and simply ludicrous from a professional standpoint. If we needed her income to survive, then she would have to do something else and another great teacher would be lost.