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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Kurt Vile -- Smoke Ring For My Halo
  2. That sucks Al. Best of luck to you and your wife. My wife is a PhD and former professor who never got on the tenure track in academia because I already had a job in SF and a California bar card, and we weren't willing to move to whatever schools had openings anywhere in the country. Although the PhD programs were touting that the retirement of GI Bill profs was going to cause a new wave of openings to arrive, the reality was that schools simply filled slots with part-time, one-year, non-tenure people. She decided to raise our kids instead of fucking around with the short-term jobs, etc. Eventually, she went back to school part time to get her teaching credential and now teaches high school. Once again, however, she is being subjected to the fucked up state of education because she cannot get a proper, full-time, tenure-track position and has been laid off a couple of times only to be re-hired with worse terms. The school loves her and wants her to stay so they keep figuring out ways to make it happen, but it is demoralizing on some level and simply ludicrous from a professional standpoint. If we needed her income to survive, then she would have to do something else and another great teacher would be lost.
  3. One of these with yellow Chartreuse, but 1.5 oz on all but the maraschino, which I kept at 1 oz. I really like that. Nice. And I liked the Corn-N-Oil quite a bit with Goslings.
  4. Just vacuum the driver with your Hoover.
  5. ^This, except with Plymouth and not Key Limes EDIT: Funny, I was going back to pick up a couple of the recent recipes. Awesome looking Cuba Libre! Fidel would be proud!
  6. I guess living in Oz has its privileges. It's like $55-59 around here.
  7. As in a couple years younger than you?
  8. Fucking double Tapatalk post.
  9. HRR is great stuff. Bear Republic makes lots if quality beers. Racer 5 is a nice IPA.
  10. Oddly enough, the menu at a new restaurant had a goat dish and I felt like I had to have it. Very tasty goat shank and loin chops with middle eastern spices and black garbanzo beans. Really nice. No puppies, however.
  11. No suffering because the restaurant was great (best goat dish I have ever eaten) and the cocktail was an excellent start. I merely missed out on the camaraderie of a good cocktail night on HC. Catching up with one more: Vieux Carré 1 ounce Bourye 1 ounce Germain Robin XO Brandy 1 ounce Perucchi sweet vermouth 1/2 teaspoon Benedictine 2 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters 2 dashes Angostura Bitters
  12. I have missed out on a fun fat Tuesday by having a work dinner but I managed a Sazerac with Thos Handy to start.
  13. Ew, sorry to hear that Grahame. Z pack will wipe it out fo sho.
  14. Nice flourish, Marc! Although I won't be engaging in the bullcrap I see no reason not to celebrate the last chance for some other lenten suckers. Having a dram of Old Rip Van Winkle in the office while waiting to meet with folks still in a deposition at 7:15pm. À la tienne, mes amis!
  15. Although Haj is right, I heard sometime this summer.
  16. It is funny, but I believe JP has one and likes it. Of course, he knew it was a AE with a power supply attached.
  17. The Thunderbolt-enabled i5 MBA is going to be awesome
  18. Exciting news, Doug. It would be grand to help you christen your facility.
  19. There you go. Jealous now.
  20. D'oh! I forgot about the Spoiler thing and when I searched the thread and didn't find it I thought you had edited your post.
  21. I'm so literal.
  22. Nope. Hand crafted Sazeracs, Vieux Carres, or Creoles.
  23. Fat Tuesday deserves better. Although I'm sure plenty of PBR will be sucked back in NOLA. As for me, I am going with strictly crescent city cocktails today. Once I break out of here, that is.
  24. Wah! I want to go to Hunaphu Day too! Amazing beer lists. Are you staying at the same hotel so you can just stumble in/out? EDIT: Fucker! I just read the note underneath. That's fucked that we get no bottles.
  25. Mmm, mmm, goat!
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