Jim, sorry I was not online yesterday or else I would have been able tell you that you have a fully paid-up perpetual license to use CUNT© in its many and applicable phrasings, such as "sanctimonious cunt," "self-important cunt," or your proposed usage of "arrogant cunt."
And Arnaud, if we are too low-brow, vulgar and juvenile for you, then just don't bother coming here. If you took issue with monsieurguzel's comment, then you could have called him out by saying that he was wrong to assume that you equate gain or high volume with quality. You could have tried to explain yourself like you did, but without the fucking whining. You could even be obnoxious about it but there are different ways of being obnoxious and a pompous yet wounded attitude is not one that works here as Jim was telling you in HC speak.