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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Was: Steve Earle -- I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive Is: Of Montreal -- Thecontrollershpere EDIT: I just noticed the critter asking "am I Fay Fay?" Nice reference to Fang's wife.
  2. James Farm again, and now: Bill Frissell -- Sign of Life
  3. Cool gift. Did the client have them made or is there a Baker beer somewhere? I found this but not much else to suggest there is a Baker Brewing other than in your garage (and others').
  4. I assume Monkey has a cable box and the Bluray, so no sound is likely to be originating in the TV.
  5. The NAD has tape outs if you want to use the Quad volume, or you could just set them to some reasonable level and control through pre-outs.
  6. Congrat Todd, nice looking car.
  7. When you notice yourself typing something like the first line, just stop, go back to Head-Fi and flog your yourself over there. Nobody cares if another person thinks that the 009 sounds ok with the 727 except you because you want your opinion validated. I don't doubt it will sound alright with that amp, but you still don't get the point of various comments made here previously. Drop it already, you're just embarrassing yourself further.
  8. Silver baby!
  9. My thought was to drop enough hints and show Claire Jeff's pics a few times as we approach our 20th anniversary this fall (she gave me my Tag for our 10th so this would alleviate guilt of switching).
  10. Same here. Seriously. Lusting.
  11. After a long wait, I am very excited to have listened to half of the new James Farm album. Awesome stuff.
  12. Congrat on tenure Jim! I decided to make a Deadly Sin, since that's what it'll take for them to get rid of you now! Deadly Sin Cocktail 2oz bourbon (W.L. Weller antique) 1/3oz sweet vermouth (Dolin) 1/4oz maraschino liqueur (Luxardo) 1 dash orange bitters (Regan) orange peel garnish Stir with ice, strain, and garish. Cheers Professor!
  13. Wow, just awesome news Jim! Celebratory cocktail coming up!
  14. That doesn't meet any definition of "cocktail" but it is something that bartenders drink and bartenders made up the Anvil list. Had a Bison IPA that was meh. Trying to decide what cocktail to make. Any quick thoughts, cocktailians?
  15. Yay Samich!
  16. Congrat JP! Glad you are happy with your choice and hope you enjoy it for days or even weeks before moving on!
  17. That combo is a slasher film in the making! Yay Dinny! Glad you pulled the trigger and got the new flat screen. Enjoy!
  18. The second ep was really good, and not just because the douchey little prince uses my trademark catch phrase (albeit in a way I myself would not use it). Shattered dreams everywhere, more sex, and direwolves ftmfw!
  19. When is it again, Dusty? I think it is right during my trial, but maybe we can link up at some point. Poor puggle! My brother's pug lived to be a million years old and was basically blind for years, so they can be tougher than they look. I hope Ollie is ok.
  20. Have a BIG birthday Lloyd! Cheers!
  21. Sorry for the loss, Carl, that does indeed suck. My son and I just watched the movie Anzio the other day, which is about a serial war correspondent. Even though it is way more hokey than I recalled, it does drive home the kind of risks and rewards of that profession.
  22. One of these.
  23. As soon as the new Thunderbolt equipped displays and hard drives come out, which will be very soon, the Thunderbolt will allow an MBP or MBA user to have a desktop setup with a full sized monitor, an external hard drive or array, and eventually other peripherals to use a single cable to connect or disconnect the laptop. All that ease of use with mega fast transfer speeds. Seems pretty good to me. Also, I thought the Sandy Bridge chips were going to "bring massive CPU performance improvements to Apple's most diminutive laptops with little change in power requirements." That also seems pretty good to me.
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