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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Bombay Cocktail
  2. Finishing high school? Have fun proud pops! Are you grilling for the party?
  3. I don't know aquavit at all, so I cannot really compare it to anything. I plan to get a bottle of Alborg for comparison at some point, but for now I can say I really enjoy the North Shore version of it. The RR cocktail with Noilly Prat had more martini bite to it but the Dolin Dry was very tasty as well. Give it a shot sometime. I love the Stork Club cocktail book where I found the recipe, so if you ever see one at a vintage shop you should snag it. And I agree the Stinger pic is a beaut.
  4. Completing the tri-fecta with another Rosalind Russell with Dolin Blanc. Nice, smooth and tasty, but a little too sweet.
  5. Another Rosalind Russell but with Dolin Dry. Different and smoother. Nice.
  6. Toasting all you bitches wherever you are, with a Rosalind Russell cocktail: 2oz aquavit 1oz vermouth or Dubonet Stir with ice and strain and serve as you would a Martini. As tasty as its namesake!
  7. Double fisting in your undies is quite a choice round two! Tice joke, please . . .
  8. That shitty amp cannot power these headphones with any tubes you put into it, plain and simple. Posting jealous that I am totally sober and in my office at 7:30pm.
  9. You have a nice simple life, Dusty.
  10. Nice, twice!
  11. Cheers all, but sadly the only thing I could find at my folks house was a can of Miller Lite.
  12. Thanks everyone! I will pass your congrat along Steve. She is taking a film and digital photography course, which reminds me I have to buy a Canon film body.
  13. Rum Old Fashioned with Zacapa Rum. Marc is right. This is a tasty beverage. By the way, where is the cocktail crowd these days? I don't like drinking alone.
  14. Agreed. This week was particularly good. Just hope the new cycle holds!
  15. Sick Monkey? As for me, I needed to change my spirit, so I decided on rum. Outrigger 2 ounce rum 1 ounce Cointreau 1/2 ounce lemon juice Shake with ice, strain into a cocktail glass.
  16. Got word that my daughter was accepted to a pre-college program at Columbia University this summer and now I have to adjust to the fact that she will be living in NYC for 3 weeks without us.
  17. Just had a John Collins with Genevieve Genever and it was meh. Should try it with Ransom instead of genever but the Tom is just better than the John so far...
  18. For your 30th, I hope your biscuits runneth over rather than runneth out! Have a good one Brent. Cheers!
  19. Forgot to post the muffaleta sandwich I had for lunch at the Hummingbird Cafe today: Salty but damn good.
  20. Spatchcocked whole organic air chilled chicken with a paprika rub mixture. Naaman, how long do you cook the corn on the Traeger? Boiled some for dinner tonight but had thought about grilling.
  21. Smoke and Mirrors 1 1/4 ounce aquavit 1 1/4 ounce Campari 3/4 ounce Cynar Garnish: Flamed orange peel.
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