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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I'm pretty sure it was stevieo's camera gear he had and was supposed to sell. Never heard the ending. I know that I "loaned" him my Channel Islands Audio amp and PS the last time he was in town, although I told him I was either going to give it to him for free or a small payment (maybe in cigars). Haven't heard from him since he went off the reservation except when I called him about stevieo and he said he was taking care of it.
  2. I still haven't seen my Absolute Sound for July/August but I am looking forward to the Pinnacle review. Has anyone read it?
  3. Very cool and very retro Gene. Curious how you like it.
  4. Thanks for all the support, everybody. I don't have high hopes for the long run, but it is nice to have her back mentally for now. Sorry to hear that about your dad, Chris. That's a lot of tough stuff to handle with dementia and no mobility. Welcome home Citizen Stretch!
  5. Joe Rickey 2oz rye Half lemon squeezed into highball glass Few ounces soda water Not bad.
  6. What do you put in your grawg?
  7. Beauty, Jim! It's funny you should say that about the Vieux Carre, because the Heaven's Dog bartender said the same thing. I think of it as a 2:1 Manhattan with half brandy or cognac, which is a little easier to order at most bars. I am now finishing off the High Water IPA, which was very tasty with pizza for dinner.
  8. Saratoga with 1.5oz each of brandy and rye, 1oz of vermouth, and 3 dashes of bitters. Fuckin' delicious! *rosemary from the garden purely decorative.
  9. First off, happy belated birthday to Peter and congrats on taking your Vespers Jim and Karen because there is everything right with that! Happy return home, Shelly, although it was great seeing you and meeting Tim this week. Happy belated to Becky, Gene, if I didn't mention that previously, and glad to hear the C-Ruck is treating you right. That's scary, Dan, but a good ending, happily. Yesterday, I did very little except sleep, buy a new washer and dryer for Mayberry, and sleep some more. Good times. Today, I got up just in time to drop Sophie off at the ferry for a trip into SF for tea with her friends, and then headed on to visit my mom in the nursing home. The last couple of months have been very bad for her, after a couple of strokes and episodes of various other issues that have afflicted her on and off these last few years. She got out of the hospital and into a nursing home just 1 mile from their home, so it is much easier on my dad. Anyway, she has been having difficulty with talking, cannot stay focused and sleeps a lot, until yesterday, that is. Suddenly she is back to her bright and coherent self, and can speak much more strongly and clearly, although she remains physically diminished. It was a great visit and quite a remarkable change from last weekend when my dad was in the pit of despair and she was pretty much out of it. I'm so glad she is doing better mentally and hope she can recover enough physically to get home--as much for my dad's sake as hers because he has been suffering more than she has in her stupor. Anyway, that's the update on the MOTDOTU, and your good wishes and good energy have certainly helped me, and I think her too.
  10. Have a great one but careful with your banana! Cheers!
  11. I just laughed out loud for a solid minute alone on my front porch. Winning!
  12. High Water Brewing imperial IPA
  13. What he said! HBD Lily!
  14. Cocktails at Heaven's Dog with Shelly and hubby and Ric before going to the Giants game. Here's what I recall people having: Gin Daisy Planters Punch Rye Buck Saratoga Monte Carlo Some kind of Pegu Club variation (gingery and too sweet) Now at the game, a couple of Lagunitas IPAs and Blue Moons.
  15. Negro Modelo with burrito for lunch.
  16. Hopes for Air before my trip are pretty much dashed at this point, sad to say.
  17. Just use the many options you already have.
  18. Their time has come, Mikey. It's just the circle of life and nothing to be sad about.
  19. Good reminder. That will be fun and much more easy to get behind these days.
  20. I can ship 6 or 12 bottles of supplies any time.
  21. I think you'd like thus one Mikey. I need to get you over here soon to help me KILL some bottles!
  22. Nice combo Jim! I am not sure that a Texas beach resort bar would have kümmel Marc, but it don't hurt to ask! Seeing as it is whisky night, even though I am kümmel fixated I figured I would mix it up. Alice Mine Cocktail 1oz kümmel 1oz Italian vermouth 2 dashs (.5oz) scotch whisky Tasty stuff! Nice even though I'm not KILLING any bottles.
  23. You might be waiting for a long time Ed.
  24. Hey, I bought two bottles of booze today too! Kümmel and kirsch to prepare for Germany.
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