While I was mixing a cocktail after dinner in Mayberry tonight, a tweaker who lives just up the hill immediately behind my house who has had various problems with the police before started shouting from his balcony to everybody and nobody that he was rock and roll and the fucking Marinites in the neighborhood didn't understand. He kept this up for quite awhile even calling down to Sophie that he could see her and her little dog through the trees.
He escalated his bullshit spewing and threats to kick eveeryone's ass and was telling somebody else at his place that he was going to use "mind bullets" against the fucking hypoctrits who wouldn't call the police on him after he formed his new band and some other BS. Then, he threw some stuff off his balcony down the hill and started shouting at various people who shouted back or told him to shut up and take it inside. Eventually, the asshole jumped down off his balcony and came crashing down the hill right behind our property (by the shed for those who have visited). The neighbor dude two houses to our right whose property intersects at the shed was screaming at him that he had better not come onto his property, and the guy was screaming back that he was going to kick his ass,etc.
It was just getting dark and I couldn't see where he was so I grabbed my baseball bat and then called 911. They immediately asked if I was calling about the guy on Pine Street and I said yes, but told them he was now on Cascade and seemingly on my neighbor's property. They showed up right after that but the tweaker was still screaming and carrying on about his dignity and asking if they would just let him go home for at least another 30-45 minutes for who knows what reason.
Mayberry on Bad Acid tonight.
And congrat to Jack and to your tuition-free school next year!