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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Bon Iver -- Bon Iver
  2. Voltron

    hi everyone

    Jude has the all-banning eye. Beware.
  3. Voltron

    Audeze LCD-2

    My thought exactly. (drinks)
  4. And the t-shirt was made of spun gold with diamond studs
  5. That's one way to use up some Branca! As for me, I am repeating the Sidecar but in my traditional 1/2 brandy, 1/4 cointreau, 1/4 lemon formula. Much better now.
  6. Voltron

    hi everyone

    HF people is bad. Us is badder.
  7. Mendo Sidecar from Artisinal Cocktails 1.5oz G-R XO .50oz Cointreau .25oz Maraschino .75 lemon juice Pretty tasty but not as tart as I like sidecars.
  8. Wrong! THIS IS APPLE!!!
  9. Admit it, you just got it for the label!
  10. That is fucked UP!
  11. Wild Man Fischer dead at 66. I hope he and Frank can make up on the other side. RIP Wild Man
  12. Yeah, thanks Mikey Downer!
  13. Good start for the program Shelly! And the site looks sweet, Al! Just read the Fitz's ghost posts. Creepier by far than the mind bullets flying around Mayberry last week.
  14. That is so hawt! Now I'm even more fried that the damn things are being held up for Lion!
  15. Voltron

    The Killing

    I dont blame them for the cliff hanger aspect because it is a new show on an off brand network. I think it is pretty clear what happened but my guess is they wrap it up early next season and between that fallout and a new case her boss convinces her to go back. It was a good but not great ending IMO.
  16. I thought the finale was very strong and opened up so many questions and plot lines that I am pissed I have to wait until next Spring for another episode. I think I will start reading the books on our trip.
  17. Where would you drive your speakers to? Mine are always asking to go for ice cream.
  18. It was a lot of fun and a lot of booze. If I have been able, I would have posted in the anyone drunk? thread. I kinda think the 147 proof uncut unaged whiskey made from Bear Republic stout may have put me over the top. I'll write a bit more about it when I have some time later.
  19. This. Claire just played Born To Run (vinyl of course) as a little tribute. It's hard to think of guy so full of life slipping away so young. RIP
  20. Enjoy the day, HC dads!
  21. Happy one after, 909! Have a great birthday David. Cheers!
  22. Stretch USA rules!
  23. Attended cocktail class with Scott Beattie of Artisinal Cocktails book fame with the master distiller of Charbay with numerous spirits and cocktails.
  24. Yes, Todd will be at RMAF with his new products.
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