You can't get good sober help these days. Sheesh.
Emelius, did you start drinking at 9am? My time sense is screwed up here in Berlin, but my iPad is still on CA time and it seems you were posting at 9am eastern. Awesome beer selection, regardless.
Further to my travel cocktail blog. The hotel Casa Camper, which is owned by e shoe company of the same name, has a 24/7 lounge with free food, soft drinks/coffee/etc., and an honor bar that you charge to your room by filling out little slips of paper. I will add pics if I can get Tapatalk to work but it is a nice setup with a decent selection of booze, cocktail equipment, lemon/lime, mixers and some beer and wine. I need to find an interesting Amaro Ramazzotti recipe but for now I decided to start simple and made a Classic Daiquiri with sugar, lime juice, and Havana Club 3yo light rum. Tasty and scurvy-preventing all at the same time!