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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Whoa, that is awesome! Beautiful work Kerry.
  2. And here it is with 3oz Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye, .5oz simple syrup, several dashes Peychaud's Bitter, a wash on chilled glass number 2 of Opaline absinthe, and a lemon peel garnish rubbed first on the rim of glass number 2.
  3. Looks tasty Shelly. Moving on to a Sazeerac after I do the dishes.
  4. What do you think of the Cocchi vermouth, without ferrets? Toasting Frau Werner of Munich with an Opaline absinthe drip
  5. I hope you recover well and quickly GPH.
  6. Just kidding. Forgot the
  7. No Apple care? Sorry about that Jeff.
  8. Stillwater Saison Darkly
  9. x2. It seems silly to jump to that conclusion so quickly HPA, especially the way Apple updates its OS.
  10. Voltron

    RIP Amy

    So sad.
  11. Super cute as hell!
  12. I have been thinking the same thing! In a similar vein, the head of my firm has insisted that people stop the practice of sending thank-you emails because they are so wasteful when we are all inundated already. His point is that we can just agree and assume that others are thankful. I was put to the test the other day when i had to inform him about my mother's passing and my lack of billing as a consequence. When he sent a nice understanding note in response, I had to fight the urge to say thanks. I don't think even Shelly would push the "congrat" model that far though!
  13. So sorry that this kind of tragedy was brought to your country. It's like Oklahoma City combined with the Virginia Tech massacre just to make the horror that much worse. Sick people are everywhere, I guess.
  14. Just because Ted Haigh gets paid to specify booze doesn't make it good or even passable.
  15. Voltron

    Audeze LCD-2

    Motion denied!
  16. Oops, drank too fast and forgot the pic but I had a Corpse Reviver #2. And both Btyan and Raffy are pissing me off with the Founders Fest. Bitchez.
  17. Monte Carlo cocktail with Rittenhouse rye, Benedictine and orange bitters. I'm waiting for my son so we can go see Casablanca with the SF Symphony playing the score.
  18. What he said, but it can't hurt to up the gin percentage with Blackwoods.
  19. Portugal. The Man -- In the Mountain In the Cloud
  20. I don't think that an actual Long Island Iced Tea was ever 100% alcohol. It always has a sweetener (sugar or simple syrup), some lemon juice or sweet and sour mix, and some Cola for color and more sweetening. Yes, it is kind of like one of every basic spirit behind the bar but it is also sweet and easy drinking, whereas just gin/vodka/tequila/rum/triple sec on ice would be way more fiery and way less popular. You should finish the other half because that stuff is way too good to waste!
  21. Just fling some poo around, Dinny, it will make you happy again.
  22. Noice.
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