Put the new julep cups to use with the David Wondrich recipe for me and a sweeter, less boozy version for Claire. Sophie thought of a nice mod after mine was fully frosted.
Cocktail Kingdom packages arrived while I was gone. 2 julep cups, 2 bitters bottles, an ice pick/scribe/hammer, and a Lewis bag for smashing ice. I will be utilizing 4 of these items shortly, which will be memorialized elsewhere.
It was alright, but I usually like Virgin more than I did on this trip. I had first class tickets and they had no lounge available on either end of the trip. I was on Airbus A320s and there is plenty of room but the seats do not have enough extension for a comfortable lounging position and weren't super comfortable in general. The flight attendant on the way out was better than on the way back, and neither of them was as constantly attentive as an American or United attendant at the front of the plane. These are all pretty picky and haughty, and I prefer coach on Virgin to coach on any other airline.
juicy lucy indeed! looking awful tasty.
Sierra Nevada Old Chico crystal wheat for me. It' hot here in Mayberry and this is refreshing but not particularly delicious.
I hope your dad is doing ok, Scott, and that you stay in the healthy half of the family.
My mom had several minor strokes and recovered very well, Dusty. It sounds like your mom just needs some time to heal and regain strength. Continued good vibes in the direction of both of you.
I helped Claire finish setting up her new classroom and installed the Decco and Epos speakers for the third consecutive year. This is a really nice room and now that she is full time maybe she can keep it.