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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I'm still happy to wait for the next batch.
  2. Interested in HC fun but no inherent Formula One interest. Thanks for getting the ball rolling Mike!
  3. Freshe out of ye olde Dewe. Didn't get my Rittenhouse today. Soon I hope...
  4. First I had a Ransom Old Tom gin old fashioned and now I am having an Old Parr Scotch whisky old fashioned. Wonder what "old" booze I can find for the next one.
  5. Mike's drink sounds far superior to Dan's.
  6. I'll make biscuits but finish them right before you get here but then throw some of them up onto your shoes when you punch me.
  7. Oh my god, everybody please make kickers your first picks!
  8. It is Fitz, after all.
  9. I knew I was copying your bacon-wrapped-pork loin idea, but Peter reminded me that you recently made a blueberry pie too! That one was coincidence because Claire came up with that on her own. I don't think I will be showing her this thread, though, because she would hate that awkward picture of her cutting the pie.
  10. Beirut -- The Riptide
  11. Congrat Ian!
  12. So then you'll have to be banned to comply with the forum rules? You've been treated over gently so far because Floats make for good fun. That doesn't mean you should knowingly flaunt the system. Slow down if you have any intention of sticking around. Otherwise expect the
  13. Before/during dinner I had a Blackwoods and Noilly Prat martini After dinner was a rather heavy gin Bijou with Blackwoods, Cocchi Vermouth and yellow Chartreuse.
  14. Sounds like a good day Jim -- and Chris -- and I look forward to seeing what you concoct from that Binnys run!
  15. Oh well, then. That one looks perfectly sane.
  16. Are you daft?
  17. Have a good one! Cheers
  18. ^That is very disturbing!
  19. I started to make a Mountain Man and realized too late that I am out of Cocchi Americano. I made a twist on the recipe with 2oz Tennessee whiskey, .50 Bonal, .50 Averna, and two dashes orange bitters. More bitter profile but quite tasty.
  20. Didn't mean to leave people hanging, but Gene reported in alive and well on terra firma in Maine.
  21. Some beers from today's HC dinner party.
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