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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Mine arrived in my office and I was going to try to plug it into my HeadRoom Desktop Amp. Is that going to be a problem?
  2. Sounds good Young BrewMattster!
  3. Cheerio Grahame! Oops, sorry to lag your system...
  4. There are actually two of them, remarkably enough. This is the trumpet playing one, but there is also a bass playing one.
  5. Those are all great picks Mikey. The Hoffman Sweet Baby James I got on vinyl awhile back sounds awesome and both Skynyrd and Heart are guilty pleasures. I saw Heart from the third row or so while they were still young and hot. That was fun.
  6. Upping the ante is the right thing to do Jim! My Monte Carlo was even better because it called for 2.25oz of rye! I made another with Lot B bourbon and it was even better than the High West Rye version. Hmm, I wonder if a better rye would make an been better version. To the lab! EDIT: now I can say the Rittenhouse 25 version is super good! Wow.
  7. Congrat on christening the bar, and a most excellent choice of cocktail. Bravo! I am having a Monte Carlo, but I did not find it in Esquire--online mag or old timey cocktail book. I found a rye whiskey version and went with that, although a bourbon one will follow shortly.
  8. Avishai Cohen -- Introducing Triveni
  9. Freddie Hubbard -- High Energy
  10. Awesome bar Jim! So jealous!!!
  11. Have a good one youngster! Hope you got to DIY something for your birthday. Cheers!
  12. Margaritas in anticipation of fish tacos for dinner.
  13. Fleet Foxes at the Greek Theater. Fantastic so far.
  14. Three Sierra Nevada Pale Ales at Fleet Foxes Nice looking and sounding cocktails out there tonight. A little jealous.
  15. Cleaned and reorganized my dad's garage and back yard. Put in about 7 hours and it was in awesome shape at the end. Now sitting at the Greek Theater with Claire and Alden waiting to see the Fleet Foxes.
  16. You can play mono records through a stereo cart and regular stereo setup. Just don't get the real mono experience, such as it is.
  17. Your labels tonight have contained the year of my birth and my home town, Mikey, and your booze comes from the land of some of my fore-fathers.
  18. For science! Handy is dandy, and its high proof makes me feel manly. Handy remains my favorite. So perfect in a Sazerac Cocktail.
  19. Now the Van Winkle. Damn, talk about your rye bite! I love this stuff. Mikey, you and your killer palette oughta do a sampling of these ryes with me.
  20. Usually a little later in the Fall but who knows. BevMo has been a good source for those, btw.
  21. For science, I have made another Sazerac Cocktail with Sazerac 18 (2010). Also awesome, but with more rye bite than the elder Rittenhouse. Do I dare continue with Thos. Handy and Van Winkle Reserve Rye and maybe the Sazerac 18 (2009)? We shall see...
  22. Too bad about colds and shitty days, but tomorrow is another day. Although not quite cask strength, I needed some whiskey treatment when I got home too. The Sazerac Cocktail I am now enjoying with Rittenhouse 25/Gum Syrup/Peychauds/Opaline Absinthe/Large Zest of Lemon proves that life ain't all bad. Damn fine drink. Cheers friends!
  23. I hope you plugged them into an electrostatic amp...
  24. You have some luck, Ric, and none of it is good! Was the cigar smoking guy located in the Analog Room? Best of luck going forward...
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