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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Bjork -- Biophilia
  2. You are wise beyond your years.
  3. Thanks for the input, so far. Crappy, if you feel like sending him the MX518, that would be great. Thanks for the offer and I will PM you an address.
  4. By the way, although JH can decide not to support the older model units, they cannot require you to give them back. Just be ready if Logitech decides they want to sue you.
  5. Nice work Karen!
  6. http://www.youtube.com/user/EASPORTS?v=Fe1EPpgw81k&feature=pyv&ad=7047572304&kw=tim%20lincecum%20giants
  7. Or Ayre, or ATC, or. . .
  8. I hope Karen had a good run, and didn't deliver a child along the way. http://www.latimes.com/health/boostershots/la-heb-woman-pregnant-marathon-baby-20111010,0,6975516.story
  9. My son wants a gaming mouse and doesn't want to spend a ton. He uses a PC laptop and is willing to do wired over wireless if the features or pricing are better. I know nothing about this subject, so please enlighten us with your gaming wisdom.
  10. A patent is valid upon issuance and for 20 years from the application filing date, which they claim was 6 years ago. Not that it matters, but hey. So, Jerry knew the UE patent application was pending and yet he created a JH Audio product incorporating the technology? This is just one more example of sleazy behavior on the part of JH Audio, imo.
  11. Sorry for the loss, Wayne. RIP Hank.
  12. I'd much rather get a "FeiFei evil eye." FeiFei better be there or this trip isn't even worth it.
  13. Happy birthday Al! Cheers!
  14. 12-3 is a pretty certain "win". Cheers to the Cards.
  15. I had some nicely smoked wildebeest ass, but come to think of it that was food at all. Enjoyed my sazerac immensely. Another?
  16. Absinthe-minded Professor 1 oz. rye whiskey (1.5oz) 1/2 oz. Obsello absinthe 1/2 oz. Aperol 1/2 oz. fresh lemon juice 1/2 oz. agave nectar (.25oz) Half-slice orange Ice cubes Tools: Boston shaker, strainer Glass: cocktail Muddle the orange slice in a mixing glass. Add remaining ingredients, shake well and strain into a chilled class. I didn't have an orange to muddle so I added a dash of OJ. Sweet and absinthe-y is a bit odd. Claire likes it though, so I'm going to makes proper Sazerac for myself.
  17. I'm going to recommend against checking that suitcase. Unless you have some badass guns in there also to signal who those thieving baggage handlers are dealing with.
  18. Shelly beat me. I don't have these but by all accounts they are excellent. Does this make me one of those people who posts reviews about stuff I haven't tried?
  19. Now THAT is a weekend!
  20. Nice sounding lunch, Mike. Shelly, the Becherovka is both herbal and a bit sweet. I enjoy it with tonic or just chilled. You should try the Old Sydney-Town Punch recipe I posted awhile back. Very nice allspice dram drink with gin or genever. Greg always has the best wine and emelius the best brews.
  21. Nice, Ric. What would you guess was the ratio of Breaking Bads to Manhattans?
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