That is more like the price range I have seen and I bought a bottle when it first came out. Certainly not bad tasting but not anything that drew me in.
I like the you guys roll. I'm having a Ska Brewing Modus Hoperandi at the bar outside the HF room at RMAF. I was thirsty and couldn't wait to drink before posting.
Stay OUT of shenanigans? Is this some kind of reverse psychology trick?
At SFO waiting for my flight and listening to Tubular Bells for some reason. I must be channeling Duggeh because I also want a negroni all of a sudden.
Pretty much, Raffy. I quite liked it, but I had a couple of strong cocktails before cracking it.
Tonight i had a Boont amber with dinner, and right now I am having an Old Tom Rickey with lemon.
^I like that beer there.
I was too busy drinking an 8 Wired Brewing Company iStout last night to post about it. I liked it quite a bit and want to buy more. Tasty.
That sounds like a good plan, Steve. It seems more likely that hanging around the hotel will be the best move, but if there is groundswell once people are in place we can always decide to go somewhere.
I'm arriving at 4:15pm tomorrow in case anybody else will be at the airport and wants to share a cab to the hotel.
I haven't Dinny, and I am hesitant as well. After we get the new phones and figure out how to migrate, I may try it next week. I'd like to hear from anybody who has tried who has a success or horror story first, though. :/
I tried the Stork Alaska Cocktail and thought it tasted a lot like gin and chartreuse. Not bad at all, but nothing more than the sum of it's parts for me.
I then made a nice strong Remember the Maine. Very nice.
It implies Dubonnet, which is a fortified red wine with herbs and quinine (although there is now a Dubonnet blanc also). It is not a vermouth, but I guess I would go with something like Punt y Mes if I didn't have Dubonnet.