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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Excellent work Shelly, HDen, Dinny, Jim and Mike! I was lazy and had another Mountain Man.
  2. Mountain Man, doubled. Awesome end to the day. @Fitzy: Hendricks is great gin. I have not paid enough attention to the St. Georges gins, but I am not super impressed. I wonder what Jim and Shelly think.
  3. Are you drinking Manhattan-like cocktails made with Wild Turkey Rye and either Martini & Rossi sweet vermouth or Noilly Prat sweet vermouth? Ratios are up to you, but a dash or two of some bitters would be a good thing and some better vermouth would be even better. We can't have you working buzzed on bad booze, now, can we?
  4. Lindo maravilhoso caipirinhas! What the hell does that mean?
  5. Sorry for the impending brush with lawyers, V. I didn't quite understand your new Emooze, but I figured it out. Heck, I even found a pic on your Twitter feed (plus a fly track suit pic). Congrat and good luck Lt. Catarius! http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg861/scaled.php?tn=0&server=861&filename=vtdnw.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640 http://desmond.yfrog.com/Himg807/scaled.php?tn=0&server=807&filename=n7hhe.jpg&xsize=640&ysize=640 My hip feels less awkward and painful after a few days of anti-inflammatory meds, especially the last 3 days. I was still over-doing it over the weekend trying to get post-remodel shit done in SF (installing audio and speakers, moving boxes and things, etc).
  6. Evidently, they think those yellow daisies should run the financial system in Iceland.
  7. Voltron


    Yeah, I ordered it too. I will sit on these two deals and see if they deliver, however.
  8. No, I am using Emission Labs AD1s and Craig made 2 or 3 units specifically for these tubes. He is not advertising it, but you could certainly ask if he will make you one. If you have a source for any Nazi-era AD1s, please let me know.
  9. Please change your avatar because that one is obnoxious and provides little incentive to help out. I have a Balancing Act with the AD1 output tubes and it sound fantastic with balanced HD800s. I am pretty sure Craig likes the PX-4 best in the BA, and I know it sounds great from shorter listening opportunities. I haven't changed the 6SN7 since I got it, and I cannot even recall what it is. I don't think it has a big influence on the sound in this amp.
  10. Voltron


    I think I have Red Clay and Sugar on old vinyl, but I am tempted anyway.
  11. Apparently you cannot let it go, which you should imo.
  12. How is that supposed to help you learn 'bout birthin' babies?
  13. lol
  14. Good luck with that Greg. I'm sure it will work out great but I'm also sure it is very trying. I am in the junior year phase of early college exploring and at the same time doing high school applications for the younger one.
  15. Pisco Sour is so much better.
  16. Old Fashioned with Pappy 15 and Fees Old Fashioned bitters.
  17. Mike won't like it because you were drinking a cocktail while brewing it. In fact, I bet he'll blame the porter fail on the cocktail too.
  18. Maybe you could take him up on his third challenge and do an A/B suck-off against a $50 hooker.
  19. What a cunt of a troll you are.
  20. This: Then this:
  21. You may have seen these comments, Antonio, but I pretty much agree with them:
  22. You appear to be putting on your winter coat, Mike.
  23. Well, at least you're living up to expectations.
  24. Well, you're just going to have to get the 009 to prove everyone right!
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