Ugh, sorry Haj. We went through a lot of ear infections with one of our kids, and luckily avoided the more drastic measures. Here's hoping it clears up before Libby gets there.
As for my own medical status, I went to see a doctor about pain and lack of mobility in my right wrist where I had a bone graft surgery 22 years ago. He quickly confirmed that I have arthritis around the surgery location and told me I need surgery to fuse three bones together, insert some permanent pins, and shave down a fourth bone if I want to get rid of the pain and discomfort. Sadly, no miracle treatments have been found in the last two decades so that I could actually recover range of motion and strength, But if I do the surgery and wear a cast for 6 weeks then I can at least avoid further deterioration and pain. Fun times, but not really that big of a deal (especially in comparison to other issues discussed in this thread).