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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Alright Lloyd! Welcome home!
  2. I hope those are real baby backs!
  3. Voltron


  4. Agreed.
  5. Gonzalo Rubalcaba -- XXI Century
  6. Good stuff CJ. Good luck John.
  7. The Millionaire Cocktail No.1 1.5oz dark rum .75oz apricot brandy .75oz slow gin 1-1.5oz lime juice Shake and strain Meh, sadly enough.
  8. Have a furry birthday Bryan! Cheers!
  9. Pliny and pizza. Perfection.
  10. Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout. A half bottle was left over from my daughter making some ginger bread. It seems so watery and insubstantial compared to stouts I choose to drink these days.
  11. This really sucks and just proves my belief that this product is doomed.
  12. Anchor Steam.
  13. In
  14. Happy almost belated birthday! Cheers
  15. Congrat Antonio! Enjoy the 009s. Nice day Mike. Wish mine were similar.
  16. An extra large Boulevardier Cocktail because the Weller and the Cocchi were almost gone. Dabs are no good for anyone.
  17. Sorry Mike, hang in there. Best to Gail.
  18. Beautiful, Mike. I was so exhausted when I finally stopped moving at about 10:30 last night.
  19. Finished products. Tasty.
  20. Made a bowl of Old Sydney Town Punch and it was a hit. Red wine with dinner, and now I am having an Anchor Christmas Ale. Tired and achy from turkey day doings.
  21. Drake's IPA to warm up for the 27 person T-day dinner.
  22. Nice Mike and amazing Ed! In progress.
  23. Can I come too, Mike? JP is at the airport by now so maybe I can catch him. I do have some investment in these though... More pics in progress.
  24. Whoever wants to pitch a tent or build a tree house is welcome in Mayberry, but when my daughter goes to college in two years the downstairs of SF will be free. Had a Drakes IPA with lunch (while JP had tea 'cause he's sick and pathetic). I kind of toasted Jeff because Mikkeller is going to be brewing at Drakes. Now I'm having some Italian wine with dinner.
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