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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Truth. No way, period. Well, I'm glad I've already got what I need and I should be set for some time to come. Still, there is no reason that this purchase necessarily means things will change. China is going to own everything pretty soon, anyway, so maybe it's good Stax was on the short list.
  2. Thanks guys. Sorry, Steve, but I was trying to please the Mafia with my first shot of the T2/009. Besides, all my good stands are in Mayberry at the moment.
  3. Thanks to Kerry, I have a beautiful new T2 in the house! Tonight was the first chance to fire it up due to shipping damage, which caused the bolts holding the transformers to shear off in transit and wreak some havoc in the PS. But Kerry stuck with me and actually walked me through the steps to fix the PS over the telephone -- mostly bend a few parts back into position, put some wires back into the connector blocks, and test everything with a meter -- even though I haven't DIY'd a damn thing previously. I didn't even electrocute myself! Anyway, the fixes all worked, it tested out perfect, and I fired it up with Kerry holding my hand virtually the entire time. BAM! we have music (and no smoke). I am thrilled after a short listen to a bunch of different stuff and I am pissed that I have to work tomorrow and then head out of town for 24 hours. Oh well, plenty of time to spend listening and then comparing to the BHse and other stuff. Thanks again, Kerry, and now back to the beautiful, beautiful music. p.s. better pics to follow in daylight sometime, and with the BHse featured as well.
  4. Toasted Vicki's pop while occupying a Wall Street Cocktail 2oz bourbon .25oz walnut liqueur .50oz punt y mes Bar spoon maraschino liqueur 2 dashes Jerry Thomas bitters Cheers to a life well lived and the loved ones left behind. Now toasting the the T2, which arrived with three trafos rampaging around the PS due to some mishandling by FedEx, but which Kerry talked me through fixing over the phone. Quite amazed that he got me through it but I am currently rocking the 009s with The Who in high res. Cheers Kerry, you do some beautiful work! This toast brought to you by a Godson Cocktail: 1/2 scotch whiskey (not too peat/smoky) 1/4 amaretto 1/4 heavy cream Scotch nog ftmfw!
  5. Nice work Fitz!
  6. Voltron


    How is that racing wheel going to be a source?
  7. I think Raffy meant he was coming over to help you drink the Hunupu, not bring more beer.
  8. Enjoy it Mike! you're a good man, but you need a break sometimes too.
  9. Congrat on paying off the mortgage Tom! We paid off our house in SF a few years ago and it felt pretty awesome. I got lucky and when the economy turned to shit my bank asked if I wanted a lower rate without any hassle and with only a small fee. I think they were trying to make it easier to stay with them than to shop elsewhere. I literally signed papers and the rate changed. So nice compared to all the bullshit of these things generally. Good luck Dinny, and hang in there for a better deal. As Tom says, it really pays.
  10. http://www.amazon.co...23368052&sr=1-8 or http://www.amazon.co...23368052&sr=1-6 I would get the 3D version even if you are not going to use 3D because it is the latest tech, has the neoplasma and infinite black 2 whatchamacallit, Vierra connect, and comes with the wireless LAN deal included. The S30 non-3D would be my other choice. I also think that plasma is better for the bedroom than LCD or LED because it doesn't have as harsh a glare and is easier on the eyes. Just my personal preference.
  11. People here are calling it "sour" and drinking it. Not I. The 2010 is probably my favorite. Best balance of age and richness. The 2008 is good but thin. The 2011 (pictured below) is the least subtle and much less integrated than the 10.
  12. 2008 on the left is tasty but maybe past its prime. 2009 in the right tastes awful. Refund.
  13. Maybe just one wouldn't hurt...
  14. Thanks for the heads up. They obviously seem aware of the issue and it should be a known quantity before I try to get one.
  15. Why would you seek out an empty bottle?!
  16. Pizza and beer look good!
  17. What is the word on the 2009? I can certainly skip it...
  18. Thinking about heading to City Beer Store for this one tonight: DESCHUTES ABYSS IMPERIAL STOUT VERTICAL TONIGHT AT 6PM We've dusted off the vintage kegs from the cellar and they're sitting pretty on draft. Take a break from the egg nog for one night..... The Lineup 2008 Abyss on draft 2009 Abyss pours from the bottle-sour or sweet? 2010 Abyss on draft 2011 Abyss on draft Bottles of 2011 Abyss for purchase.
  19. Congrat Auntie Shelly!
  20. I'm still in.
  21. Bushwick Cocktail -- Burroughs Series 2oz rye .75oz sweet vermouth .25oz Amer Picon (heavy .25 of Amaro CioCiaro) .25oz maraschino liqueur Stir with ice and strain. Now one of my favorite Brooklyn variants. So tasty I made two last night.
  22. Quick Green Flash IPA on the way home after a successful George T Stagg expedition.
  23. Glad it worked out for you Mikey!
  24. Now that's the way to prepare for your presentation!
  25. When the City gets to you, drink it.
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