For what it's worth, Larry, Justin's BHSE demos have always made me dislike the amp as overly bright with anything but the O2. The amp's original reason for being seemed to be to drive the O2s more forcefully and to make them sound more alive, brighter, and more forward than other amps. Between his source and the tubes he uses in the BHSE, I always think it sounds bright. And with the 009 that effect is going to be multiplied many times. My BHse with NOS Mullard xf2 tubes sounds fantastic with both the livelier 009 and SR-Omega and the O2. Not bright and not dull.
Now, this may be just pissing into the wind, but I'm going to take one shot. If you do sell the WES and whatever else you have in order to buy a new amp, then why would you go with an untried and untested Cavalli amp instead of a solid performer and known quantity like the BHSE? The Exstata disaster should be warning enough, but who knows how this new amp is going to perform in the long run. Just think about that SinglePower Square Wave you love to bitch about but can't listen to. Do you really want to be a guinea pig again? I, for one, don't want to hear about it if/when the LL bites the big one.