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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I have recommended the Airport Express or Squeezebox options, but was curious if there are any speakers to recommend. Thanks for the Aperion link, Stretch.
  2. How about "it's as vile as it sounds"?
  3. At least you're not feeling under the weather anymore, hopefully. The Abyss takes some time in the bottle from my recent experience. If you have a couple more, keep them for a year or so. I'm going to drink my KBS one of these days, but I should also be receiving a metric shit ton load of Fifty-Fifty Eclipse pretty soon. Looking forward to checking out this year's crop.
  4. It's so much more fun to hold the album when you're reading it, so why bother with a digital image?
  5. Not even a chuckly for my great name for your beer, Young Matt?
  6. Has anyone done this successfully? Bluetooth or wifi? This is not for an audiophile.
  7. Hey, I meant to say that too! Get mixing Shelly!
  8. Tasty. I think another is in order do Mike doesn't feel bad. It might work with bourbon too.
  9. Not at all. I'll join you, with a twist. Walnut Old Fashioned 2oz calvados or apple jack .25oz walnut liqueur .25oz demerara syrup (cinnamon syrup) 2 dashes angostura bitters
  10. Schlafly and Brunello both look good. Glenfiddich sounds nice, but the double old fashioned makes me WANT.
  11. Schneider Edel-Weiss and Hofbrau Helles with awesome pretzels at the new beer garden in town. Blankets provided.
  12. I was talking about using some better tubes for demo purposes, not what you ship with the amp.
  13. Well, I can say the 009 sounds even better.
  14. I now have the source going into the BHse and then looping out to the T2. Both amps have NOS Blackburn xf2 EL34s. Listening to hi-res files through Amarra's cached playlist. The SR-Omega and 009 are charged up and I hope to spend enough time to be able to compare them on both amps a bit. The SR-Omega sounds remarkable on the T2, and the amazing bass is the first thing to stand out. Nice.
  15. I think you should change the name to Choco Porterius. Those both sound damn tasty, Matt. The FFF Alpha Klaus is a hoppy porter that is awesome. Have you had a rye stout before?
  16. North Atlantic Cocktail 1.5oz calvados (apple jack will suffice) .75oz Madeira .50 benedictine .25oz angostura bitters Garnish with ground nutmeg and apple peel (optional)
  17. Very good, Mike, thanks for the prompt report. Yeastie Boys is my new favorite brewery name. Now quaffing a really nice Mount Vernon Cocktail, if I do say so myself. I can't recall the source of this one but it is a cool recipe. Mount Vernon 1 ounce Kirschwasser 1 ounce Brandy de Jerez 3/4 ounce grapefruit juice 1/2 ounce Pedro Ximénez sherry 1/2 ounce Cherry Heering 3 brandied cherries, for garnish Shake all the ingredients except the cherries with ice and strain into a chilled glass. Garnish with the cherries on a pick.
  18. A Bloody Mary at Gladstones at LAX. Quick trip in last night and out this afternoon.
  19. Jim Jones, I believe. He had a lot of thoughts.
  20. I hate United even though (or because) I have logged the most miles with them.
  21. Over there? That sounds scary.
  22. No thanks to you! I'll get over it if you bring your KGSSHV to run the triple threat.
  23. What about inventory, receivables, machinery, trademarks, etc.? $1.5 million don't cut it even if they have big debt.
  24. For what it's worth, Larry, Justin's BHSE demos have always made me dislike the amp as overly bright with anything but the O2. The amp's original reason for being seemed to be to drive the O2s more forcefully and to make them sound more alive, brighter, and more forward than other amps. Between his source and the tubes he uses in the BHSE, I always think it sounds bright. And with the 009 that effect is going to be multiplied many times. My BHse with NOS Mullard xf2 tubes sounds fantastic with both the livelier 009 and SR-Omega and the O2. Not bright and not dull. Now, this may be just pissing into the wind, but I'm going to take one shot. If you do sell the WES and whatever else you have in order to buy a new amp, then why would you go with an untried and untested Cavalli amp instead of a solid performer and known quantity like the BHSE? The Exstata disaster should be warning enough, but who knows how this new amp is going to perform in the long run. Just think about that SinglePower Square Wave you love to bitch about but can't listen to. Do you really want to be a guinea pig again? I, for one, don't want to hear about it if/when the LL bites the big one.
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