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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. I don't care what Carl Seibert says!
  2. He should have had a nail gun accident on the way out.
  3. I think that is true, Shelly, but I think those pics were from the weekend with his family down south.
  4. Eat Me cookies? Don't follow any rabbits down any holes. Guzzi In Wonderland might be too much for us to handle.
  5. me too
  6. I'm not in a hotel like Jim, but I thought I would have a Sierra Celebration and join in belatedly with Mikey's local brew night.
  7. 35oz!? Nice Mikey!
  8. An Aquavit Vesper, which I will call the Aquavesper.
  9. A short but stout Vesper. Ahh, that's it.
  10. Then why don't you marry him?
  11. Apparently it is a trend... http://celebs.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474980952278
  12. Nice looking falafel, Johnny Two-Times!
  13. Keep up the good work, Mike. Claire made some Wake Up Dead Ginger Bread so I am having the rest of the bottle.
  14. I've been waiting a couple weeks to make this one and christmas day seemed appropriate. Ric would quite like it to top off his diabetic delight today. You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! 2oz aged rum .5oz Becherovka .5oz Benedictine .25oz cinnamon syrup 3 dashes orange bitters Orange peel garnish (in the shape of a floating eye)
  15. Prime rib roast, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, green beans and mushrooms, salad and a Bouche de Noel cake. I forgot to bring the HP Sauce though!
  16. Encore! Cheers!
  17. I call dibs on the tall skinny package on the left!
  18. Well said. Merry Christmas 'Casers!
  19. I made you a cake, but that red-nosed bastard wrecked it. Happy birthday and merry christmas! Cheers!
  20. Noel de Calabaza with cracked crab, sourdough and salad for christmas eve at my dad's house.
  21. Merry Christmas JPX! As-Salam Alaykum my brother!
  22. Raffy is not my Xmas Xchange partner but he sent me some holiday cheer from SoFla anyway, what a guy! I received these yesterday and plan to enjoy a Winter Warmer Warmer Christmas Eve tonight! Thanks Raffy!
  23. Good luck with Operation Santa Storm now that you have committed to The Surge!
  24. Happy birthday Ken! Wait, I'm just parroting what Antonio said! . Have a great one buddy. Cheers!
  25. We might need help getting through some of the more arcane elements, Grahame. Do you have time to help over the next week or so?
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