This thread needed a little Top Gear to round it out. Happy belated birthday Grahame! Mexican yoga retreat internets were not up to snuff so I was unawares. Sounds like it was a great day.
Now THAT is zen!
I like the way you think Steve, and Dan knows me too well because I was scoping it out on the way here.
And Steve, there are so many gay men attending this wedding! You type even. Pics tomorrow.
Only slightly better John.
Congrat Haj!
Waiting to board a flight Puerto Vallarta for a wedding. Sounds good but I only learned last night that the "resort" is a "yoga retreat and spa" that doesn't serve red meat. Luckily they serve booze or I'd be reconsidering right now.
I'm just realizing the side benefits of arranging interviews with some potential experts who are Purdue professors. Google Maps says it is only 1 hour 49 minutes to the FFF brewpub and therefore the HC Chicago crew! Planning takes on a whole new meaning now.