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High Rollers
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Everything posted by Voltron

  1. Quite the appropriate toast, Mikey. Have a great one, Naaman, and I hope your upcoming travels do not put you in harms' way. Cheers!
  2. Claire and I are going to see her soon. Glad you enjoyed it Mike.
  3. Congrat Ryan and welcome to the world Myles.
  4. Have a great one Dan! Cheers!
  5. Party like a hillbilly, MoonShine! Cheers
  6. Have a great one Al, and enjoy the new car! Cheers!
  7. Can't you move the rig over to the right, Shelly? Might block more of the window but would improve the sound/view and get the speaker out of Tim's left ear if he is sitting in the white chair.
  8. I wouldn't actually use one of them, Scott, but people like you should have the right to choose! Which of the kids would you sell into slavery to pay for the other one's college, though, Steve? Know thy enemy.
  9. Congrat Chris & Meaghan on 5 years, and Miguel & Mrs. Arroyo on the big 2-0! Sorry for the workload Nate, and and lack of sleep Haj. The one has been causing the other for me these days. I am heading to the office soon, and will be there are all of Presidents Day. It seems like Brittnie was just getting into college, so how can she be going to law school next year?! Big congrat to each of you, Mike. As for you, Todd, yes lawyers can be forces of good in the world, however few and far between. Sadly, I went to BC Law because of its environmental law focus, and even became the Editor in Chief of the BC Environmental Affairs Law Review, and then never practiced in that area of the law. My conservationist mother in law still resents my choice to earn money instead of saving the planet, but there were no law jobs where I could do both. Oh well, at least I am protecting the rest of the telecommunications industry from Imperial Apple. Or, as VPI put it the other day, protecting your right to own a nerd phone.
  10. Buzzy is right. I first heard about it on Thursday reading David Pogue's column, then heard people talking about it randomly, then my sister-in-law said yesterday that she is addicted to Pinterest and now this. Quite the phenomenon.
  11. Happy birthday Ginger C! I guess the Mamouche was an early b-day gift! Cheers!
  12. I baked you a cake, but Miley Cyrus eated it! Have a great day celebrating fifty-onederful years buddy! Cheers!
  13. Happy grilling and FPS killing Ed! Cheers!
  14. Best table at the meet: Becky Bigguy outdid herself once again, with some of her usuals and some homemade bourbon and khalua candies. Second best table: Skullguise surprised Mikey with one of his antique scotch bottles recently, so Mikey shared of course. Tasty stuff, Todd, and thanks Mikey. Birgir's bhse is amazing looking. FrankCooter brought some beauties as well. Quick and essentially sober meet with fewer of the usual suspects. The Parker's barrel finish was opened and nearly finished. Quite nice bourbon.
  15. I know, I know, but why would I pass up a shot at gooning you?
  16. Well, the FedEx guy thinks you are a drug dealer so he wasn't hanging around catchin' a stray bullet or whatever.
  17. You made your bed, now sleep in it, Younger! Couldn't wait in line any longer, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, the Younger release happened last Saturday and they are making it last for 14 days. They claim that they have not run out until last call this week. They are also sending out kegs this week, so City Beer and Toronado will have them at a minimum. However, Saturday is the first day of Beer Week so there ain't no way that finding PtY will be easy the day of the meet. Not sure what to suggest, but Magnolia and 21st Amendment are pouring strong beers and have awesome t-shirts:
  18. When can I get a Needle Dhik turntable?
  19. Super big congrat to both the giver and the receiver. Wow.
  20. HBD ECC! Cheers
  21. Have a great one Jeff! Cheers!
  22. Another stressful day in the smartphone wars was lightened a bit when The Knob of Voltron arrived. Here it is in all of its glory. I've found that rubbing the knob relieves some stress, so it will be difficult to let it go and mount it to the T2. Thanks for the beautiful work, Kevin. The KOV will be another highlight on the already amazing T2.
  23. Sorry about that Chris! It was a quickly arranged thing and I'm sorry if you didnt get word.
  24. That was the third or fourth attempt and John really took to it. I was just laughing too much to do your people credit by they point Colin. \m/
  25. That was great to see! Plus, I got to see the HC eye patch in person. With or without trailer? Congrat or congrats as appropriate.
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